Illegals have More Rights than Citizens, By Chris Knight (Florida)

As noted below, illegals have more rights than ordinary citizens: "In California, for example, if you enter the U.S. illegally, you can receive benefits that include food and housing assistance, in-state college tuition and financial aid, and a cash assistance program that is the equivalent of Social Security Income. You also are eligible for taxpayer-financed healthcare, a benefit expected to cost California taxpayers $3.4 billion this year." To this the liberal Leftist may reply that this is all about social justice, and infinite giving.

Yet if justice was a concern here, then the illegals would be subject to the same treatment for breaking the law, let alone breaking the law by invading the country in the first place. "Take the four migrants who beat up police officers in New York's Times Square. After being arrested, the migrants—including one who had prior pending charges—were released on their own recognizance because the Manhattan district attorney did not request bail. New York law enforcement revealed that because bail was not requested, they "have no legal authority to chase them or attempt to stop them." The four men are on their way to a California-Mexico border town with tickets provided by a church-affiliated nonprofit, according to reporting from the New York Post." There are numerous stories like this now, enough to form a clear pattern.

As much the same thing has, and is, occurring in Europe, the only real coherent hypothesis to account for this is that this generosity to illegals and criminals, is an official policy of governments for the anti-White Great Replacement. No other attempted explanation makes as much sense, and this hypothesis fits in with the ongoing Leftist cultural revolution which is tearing the West down, while conservatives and traditionalists shake in fear in their homes, which they think are secure, at least for a little while, until they come for them.

"What's the point of acquiring American citizenship when illegal aliens have more rights than citizens? In California, for example, if you enter the U.S. illegally, you can receive benefits that include food and housing assistance, in-state college tuition and financial aid, and a cash assistance program that is the equivalent of Social Security Income. You also are eligible for taxpayer-financed healthcare, a benefit expected to cost California taxpayers $3.4 billion this year.

The best part of being illegal is that you can commit a violent crime and get away with it. Take the four migrants who beat up police officers in New York's Times Square. After being arrested, the migrants—including one who had prior pending charges—were released on their own recognizance because the Manhattan district attorney did not request bail. New York law enforcement revealed that because bail was not requested, they "have no legal authority to chase them or attempt to stop them." The four men are on their way to a California-Mexico border town with tickets provided by a church-affiliated nonprofit, according to reporting from the New York Post.

On March 21, a group of over 100 migrants attempted to enter Texas illegally by rushing a border wall, breaking through razor wire and assaulting guards. "These people were willing to assault law enforcement," a source told the New York Post. "They have complete disregard for our laws." Yet it is expected that most of the migrants caught up in the melee will be allowed into the US without consequences.

"The biggest problem that we have is Border Patrol busing migrants into the country," the source told the Post. "We can push them back all we want through the wire, but they know that if they get through, Border Patrol is just going to pick them up and process them."

An illegal immigrant who was released into the US after crossing the border has been arrested in Florida and charged with sexually assaulting an 11-year-old girl. He now faces multiple charges, including kidnapping with intent to commit sexual assault on a minor, sexual battery on a person under 12 and resisting arrest. But here is the kicker. Further investigation revealed that the suspect crossed the US-Mexico border illegally in early January. After turning himself in to the Border Patrol, he was designated as an undocumented migrant, released, and given a future court date for immigration proceedings in 2027. He was free to rape a child because illegals have more rights than you and I.

Unfortunately, illegals are not the only ones getting away with murder. American justice has become a criminal's paradise. The intention of many local law enforcement officials is to protect criminals at the expense of victims. We have evidence of violent crimes that are not prosecuted and accused killers who are simply released from prison.

Many suspects freed under new bail reforms are going on to commit major crimes. Darrius Sutton, A Brooklyn gang member, was set free without bail the same day of his arrest for attempted murder. Sutton participated in at least three drive-by shootings after he was freed. The New York Daily News reported that during the first two months of the year, 482 people charged with a felony in New York City were released without bail only to be rearrested for new crimes 846 times.

Rep. Tom Cotton, writing in National Review, described another serious problem plaguing the US justice system. "Radical left-wing lawyers, many supported by billionaire George Soros, have become district attorneys and state's attorneys in many major American cities. These so-called Soros prosecutors have betrayed the public trust," said Cotton, "and made our communities less safe. Instead of fighting crime, they are abetting it."

"On the rare occasions when criminals go to trial in jurisdictions with Soros prosecutors," said Cotton, "they might as well have two advocates in the room, while the public and the victims have none. These renegade lawyers have turned the criminal justice system into the criminal's justice system."

No wonder our citizens have no confidence in the law. "If you murder someone in America," according to, "there's a nearly 40 percent chance you'll get away with it." When you are fortunate enough to be illegal, your chances are even higher."

Those with a starry-eyed view of legal systems should note how the US provides a counter-example in Leftist jurisdictions, as Rep. Tom Cotton showed above. 



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