If You are in Victoria, Will the Treaty Lead to You Losing Your House? By James Reed

This is worth keeping an alert about regarding the terrible Australian state government treaties that are something of a woke revenge against long-suffering Aussies for knocking down the woke voice referendum. The Allan government here in Victoria has not ruled out a compulsory acquisition of private property to give to indigenous groups, as well as establishing seats in parliament for indigenous members. Taking the later first, that shows contempt for democracy, making parliament into an affirmative action circus.And where will it end, as every such group, such as the trans, will want their assignment as well? And going down this identity politics rabbit hole, why not? There goes democracy. But nothing prevents Indigenous people being elected normally and maintaining credibility.

The compulsory acquisition of private property to give away, is little more than communist thief for the woke. But, to show that Labor is sincere, let's start with the property of all members of the Allan government. I hear that Albo has some nice properties too, which should go first!

Of course, it will not be the properties of the woke elites which are seized.

Labor governments are destroying Australia and must be thrown out.


"The Allan government has refused to rule out giving compulsorily acquired private property to Indigenous groups and establishing seats designated to Indigenous members in the Victorian parliament.

Treaty and First Peoples Minister Natalie Hutchins, who fronted the Public Accounts and Estimate Committee hearing on the state's path to treaty on Tuesday, said a series of measures, including reparations, remained on the table.

Questioned about whether the government would rule out dedicating seats in the Victorian parliament for Indigenous people ahead of treaty negotiations later this year, Ms Hutchins said it was too early to determine what would be included.

"After 200 years of colonisation, where this state took away lands in the settlement, murdered people and took away culture and language we are not going to be ruling anything in or out as we go to the negotiation table in regards to treaty," she said.

She, however, said that the idea was not one that Indigenous representatives had voiced their support for.

"That has not been an expressed desire that has been put to me by First Nations people," she said.

"In fact, I think they think that our places of the lower and upper houses here are actually quite aggressive places that they would rather not be a part of."

Ms Hutchins was also asked whether the government could hand private land that had been compulsorily acquired to Aboriginal groups or other entities.

But she refused to directly answer the question.

"The focus that we have on Treaty is about building a new pathway going forward with Aboriginal people," she said.

Ms Hutchins was pressed on whether a $41m commitment in the budget to "enable increased Traditional Owner access to water and decision making in water management" would be spent on buying water for Indigenous groups.

But the senior minister was again unable to provide an answer.

"We don't actually determine the percentage of funds that will be used to buy water," she said.

The question was then handballed to Water Minister Harriet Shing.

Shadow Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Peter Walsh, said the lack of answers was not good enough.

"We should have received answers today, instead a Minister who is meant to represent the interests of Victorian Aboriginal people hid behind the 'that's not in my portfolio' excuse," Mr Walsh said."

What is proposed here of reparations will be done in treaties across the country, if there is not mass protests against this. 



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