If Trump is a Threat, then What is Hillary? by Chris Knight

Following on from the publication of Clinton Cash, we have another media “debate” about how dangerous Donald Trump will be. Thus, Kim Beazley, the former Defence Minister said (The Australian, August 10, 2016, p. 1), that Trump would as president cause unnecessary confrontations with China, and thus threaten Australia’s security.

Regardless of what one thinks about Trumps’ promises to restore economic nationalism to America, which is unquestionably a threat to the globalist elite, Trump is much less of a hawk than Clinton. He has indicated that he wants fair trade deals with China, and is friendly to Russia. The media, of course, uses Trump’s fair view of Russia against him as well.

A good article is by Paul Craig Roberts. “How Long Can Russia and China Wait?
The Western media, following Obama have indicated to the Russians that NATO forces are mobilizing against them.
Here is video material about Russia’s concern: https://vimeo.com/174777588

The evidence against the Clinton’s is great, and Hillary gets away with things that would have put Trump down for the count. For example, The Washington Post reported that “Email batch provides additional evidence that Clinton Foundation donors got access at State Department:” https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/email-batch-provides-additional-evidence-that-clinton-foundation-donors-got-access-at-state-department/2016/08/10/de2c0066-5f1a-11e6-9d2f-b1a3564181a1_story.html.

Excuse me, but that seems to be a crime, not a mere jaywalking offence. Yet the mainstream media ignores the obvious implications of the “Clinton cash.”

Then there are the allegations made by Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), who has recently said that if Wikileaks does have emails proving that Hillary Clinton and the US State Department were aware of weapons flooding into the hands of Islamic terrorists, then she committed a felony by lying to Congress:
“It’s a felony to lie to Congress. You can get five years in prison. And we can’t continue to say the Clintons are above the law. I do believe that the CIA annex in Benghazi was procuring weapons, some of them to get them away from the jihadists in Libya. But some of it to ferry those weapons through Turkey, into Syria. There have been many, many first-hand accounts, The New York Times, London Times, Washington Times have all reported upon this.”
Cited from: http://www.breitbart.com/video/2016/08/12/rand-paul-hillary-can-get-5-years-prison-lying-congress-syrian/

Also calls for Clinton to explain her emails: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYpLrGm3WLA




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