Ice Age Cometh; China Feels the Cold and Darkness By James Reed

I am happy having found an article by someone smarter than me, which is not too hard, advocating my second favourite prejudice, that there is not global warming, but global cooling a coming, a new ice age, which could see the return of hairy elephants, everywhere, and the final death of Leftism, as soy boys all get eaten by sabre tooth tigers, or whatever.

“Indeed, if you pay attention to what scientists were saying 60 years ago about rising sea levels, you find there’s a correlation between global warming and the next great climate catastrophe. Maurice Ewing, director of Columbia University’s Lamont Geological Observatory, and geologist-meteorologist William Donn postulated this hypothesis.

An Ice Age will result from a slow warming and rising of the ocean that is now taking place. They believe that this ocean flood — which may submerge large coastal areas of the eastern United States and western Europe—is going to melt the ice sheet which has covered the Arctic Ocean through all recorded history. Calculations based on the independent observations of other scientists indicate this melting could begin, within roughly one hundred years.

With warm water under freezing skies—it’s the North Pole after all—it will start snowing on the nearest piece of cold land: Canada. If you want an analogy, think of the “lake effect” on Huron and Duffern counties in Ontario. I can well remember seeing snowdrifts 12 feet high when I was a six-year-old in Honeywood, Ontario in 1947 we were warned not to walk along the tops and touch the hydro wires, something easily enough done. So, warm water and cold air gives you snow. Back to the experts.

It is this melting of Arctic ice which Ewing and Donn believe will set off another Ice Age on earth. They predict that it will cause great snows to fall in the north — perennial unmelting snows which the world has not seen since the last Ice Age thousands of years ago. These snows will make the Arctic glaciers grow again, until their towering height forces them forward. The advance south will be slow, but if it follows the route of previous ice ages, it will encase in ice large parts of North America and Europe. It would, of course, take many centuries for that wall of ice to reach New York and Chicago, London and Paris.

It’s too bad all those wind turbines will be frozen and the solar cell farms will be covered in white stuff. But, even worse, all our hydro-electric facilities from the Kootenays, to the Niagara to Ungava will be frozen solid. Natural gas will keep going for a while, but it too will eventually hiss to a stop without maintenance. What’s left?

Nuclear Power.

We’ll have centuries to prepare, to build nuclear power plants across the country, including a plant specifically designed to keep a shield over uranium extraction and refining facilities. These plants will be linked by high voltage electric lines in tunnels from coast to coast. Entire cities will be heated by steam, warmed by heated streets and sidewalks, protected by heat dams and glacier ice cutters.

And all of this will be possible through unlimited nuclear-generated electricity and steam. Even the water we’ll drink will be from melted ice.

Yes, it’s not the future you’ve been worrying about, but it will be as annoying to environmentalists as anything Shell or Mobil have said or done, because they’ll have to embrace nuclear or die.”

Does it get any better than this? Yes, it does, China, trying to be a smart-a punishing Australiasia, by cutting coal, glorious coal, is letting its little people suffer.

“Millions of Chinese residents have been left without heating in the middle of winter as cities ration electricity amid a blockade on Australian coal. 

Australia provided 57 per cent of China's thermal coal imports in 2019, which is used to generate electricity in power stations. 

But last month, Beijing blocked Australian coal imports, which has resulted in 80 ships carrying more than $1.1billion in blacklisted cargo being stranded off the Chinese coast.  

Chinese coal prices were 500 yuan ($100) last month but increased 760 yuan ($153) per tonne on Wednesday, which has now resulted in restrictions on power use for millions of residents, according to South China Morning Post

Some 57 million people live in Zhejiang province, south of Shanghai, on China's east coast, and have been besieged by power shortages resulting in electricity being shut off.

The Zhejiang provincial government has now ordered offices to only use heating when the temperature drops below 3C and restaurant to only use air conditioning for diners, rather than staff, in the city of Wenzhou from December 11 to 20. 

Small to medium sized factories have reportedly been ordered to halt production for one to two days after operating for two days between December 13 and 30.”

Talk about being hoisted by one’s own petard! Worse, Australia has filed a complaint against China with the World Trade Organization. I am sure that China will be shaking in its kung fu slippers. Australia has stamped its tiny footsies. Beware, ground shakes. The mice are terrified.



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