How the Spike Protein Harms the Body, Especially Women, By Mrs. Vera West

Children's Health Defense has a video detailing how the Covid vax mRNA spike protein harms the body, available at the link below. In summary, the mechanisms revolve around producing hormonal havoc, disrupting the normal biological processes occurring in organs, according to Dr. Margaret Christensen. She has observed in her practice:"Women with all kinds of abnormal bleeding, creating ovarian cysts, having massive really heavy bleeding episodes to the point of hysterectomy — with one of my clients from her uterine fibroids. We've seen massive amounts of infertility. We had three fetal deaths in our practice."

"And then the postmenopausal bleeding has just been bizarre. I have a number of clients, at least 10 to 15, who were nice and stable … and they just started bleeding spontaneously after menopause, including two ladies in their eighties."

When I was nursing, I never saw anything like this, and my daughter, also a nurse today said that some of these things are being observed, but they were rare before the Covid mRNA vax rollout. The even greater worry is that there is a new generation of vaccines being pumped out based upon the mRNA technology, and we do not know what this is going to do some years down the track. We do not know now how the ill health from the present Covid vax regime will be manifested.

"Addressing the rise in turbo cancers, autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular conditions and reproductive issues in people who received COVID-19 vaccines, clinical educator Dr. Margaret Christensen, co-founder of the Carpathia Collaborative, joined "The Defender In-Depth" this week to discuss their causes — and possible solutions.

Christensen said the reason behind many of these health conditions in the vaccinated boils down to hormonal disruptions caused by the ingredients of the COVID-19 vaccines — including the spike proteins and lipid nanoparticles — which can have wide-ranging effects on multiple organs and systems within the human body.

Christensen addressed ways to help restore hormonal balance.

She also discussed an online summit, "Hormonal Havoc: The COVID Fallout and How to Fix It," she is co-organizing. The online summit will take place June 17-23.

Hormonal imbalance has produced 'very bizarre' conditions

Christensen said that hormones — "estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol, insulin, thyroid hormone, and then we can also talk about our neurotransmitters as well" — help regulate our mood and focus.

"Understanding that they're all related to one another and interact with one another is really critically important," Christensen said. "Not only do they interact with one another … hormonal balance is critically related to gut health and to our liver detoxification pathways and what we can do for those."

Christensen said the brain, especially the hypothalamus and the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, "the part of our brain that regulates everything … has to be working correctly too."

These systems depend on hormonal balance, Christensen said, noting that "the things that we've been seeing have been really very bizarre" as a result of imbalances caused by the COVID-19 vaccines.

"Women with all kinds of abnormal bleeding, creating ovarian cysts, having massive really heavy bleeding episodes to the point of hysterectomy — with one of my clients from her uterine fibroids. We've seen massive amounts of infertility. We had three fetal deaths in our practice," Christensen said.

She added:

"And then the postmenopausal bleeding has just been bizarre. I have a number of clients, at least 10 to 15, who were nice and stable … and they just started bleeding spontaneously after menopause, including two ladies in their eighties."

The symptoms have to do with inflammation of the lining of the uterus and the ovaries being triggered to make extra estrogen, Christensen said.

Men are also affected. Christensen noted she's seen "unbelievably low testosterone levels, significant changes in sperm morphology … libido issues and depression."

She's also observed "massive amounts of autoimmune issues" and "mental health changes" that "have been absolutely horrendous for all age groups," especially adolescents and young adults, who have experienced "neurodegenerative changes, severe brain fog, rapid onset dementia."

Spike protein 'creating massive amounts of dysregulation in the immune system'

For Christensen, a prime cause of hormonal imbalance is the spike protein, along with other ingredients in the COVID-19 shots.

"We know that the spike protein is creating massive amounts of dysregulation in the immune system," she said. This can throw off hormones and cause immune system dysregulation, suppressing the part of the immune system that "goes after the bad guys," she said.

"What we're getting is this signal of constant inflammation, constant fear and anxiety … feeding into the brain that's trying to regulate our hormones."

This can have cascading effects throughout the body because "everything is connected" and "we can't treat anything in isolation," Christensen said. These effects begin in the hypothalamus.

"The hypothalamus is regulating all of the signals to your pituitary gland that goes down to your thyroid, down to your adrenal glands, down to your ovaries, your testes, all of that. So, if that is inflamed and disrupted, that's problematic," she said.

Christensen said the gut-brain connection is a major driver in this process:

"Everything that's going on in the gastrointestinal tract is fed through the vagus nerve, this long nerve in our body that connects our brains, our hearts, our lungs and our gut.

"But if you are having a dysregulated gastrointestinal tract bacteria and inflammation and bad diets and spike protein in there, it's sending a signal up to your vagus nerve up to that HPA axis and the hypothalamus, which is also part of something that's called the limbic system, your reptile brain. So again, you're getting disrupted signals coming up from the vagus nerve."

This has contributed to increases in conditions that were less common before the introduction of the COVID-19 vaccines. "It wasn't until after the spike protein came out that we saw all the myocarditis and the pericarditis, and again, that inflammation."

She explained the process:

"What we know is this inflammation from the spike protein in the heart … creates a little scarring.

"So, months to a couple years later, all of a sudden you get a burst of adrenaline because you're waking up in the morning or because you're going to go out for a run and boom, that's the adrenaline, which is your fight or flight hormone, [and it] is triggering an arrhythmia and irregular heartbeat."

As a result, "we're seeing some of these sudden deaths, sudden cardiac death, very bizarre heart rates," Christensen said.

The spike protein also "directly affect[s] the ovaries and testes," Christensen added. "We know that because of these lipid nanoparticles that theoretically were supposed to only stay in the arm [ but are] being found in all the fatty tissues around the body, our brains, our hearts and our testes and ovaries, creating massive inflammation and disrupting the signals from that and adrenal glands as well."

Christensen explained that the vaccines were supposed to make the body produce spike proteins inside the body's cells, to trigger an immune response. But what actually is occurring is "persistent production of the spike protein over time," leading to multiple types of chronic inflammation.

Inflammation is one of "five mechanisms of damage that the spike protein causes," Christensen said. The others are "persistent infections, autoimmune dysregulation, gut dysbiosis — unhealthy bacteria — and then mitochondrial dysfunction."

Christensen called mitochondria the "powerhouse of the cell" that "generate energy." She noted that the organs containing the most mitochondria are those that "are on all the time and don't turn off [and] require a whole lot of energy," including the brain and heart.

As a result, "We are seeing suppression, just massive dysregulation of the immune system, suppression of the innate immune system that goes after viruses and bacteria and cancer cells, so that part of the immune system is being suppressed."

One of the increasingly common outcomes, she said, are turbo cancers. "We are seeing abnormal cancer formation and a very rapid onset of cancers … people popping up with Stage 4 cervical cancer or Stage 4 lymphomas," she said.

'Our body has amazing, powerful healing mechanisms'

Christensen said that while mainstream medicine, government health agencies and the media have "done a lot of 'nothing to see here' for a long time," we're now "starting to see some breaks in the dam" because there are just too many bodies and too many clinicians who themselves have been injured. 



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