How the Mad Scientists Plan to Destroy the Earth! By Brian Simpson

There I was thinking that the Grand Plan to eliminate us so that a race of lizard extra-terrestrials, most zooming around in the UFO sports vehicles, drag racing each other, some of whom are hiding in broad daylight in human form, running Big Tech corporations (just look at the eyes), would involve disease to wipe us out! But no, our demise will be long and painful, due to climate interference. Imagine all that will go wrong with geoengineering plan to cool the entire planet, especially now the solar minimum is upon us? Why, the screw-ups in science that occur now should make anyone say: No way, Jose! But the technocrats have enormous power now, as the Covid plandemic showed.

“As climate change alarmists continue to insist that we need to cool the planet’s temperatures in order to save it, one approach that is being touted is geoengineering. Some researchers have been supporting the idea of the deliberate mass manipulation of our climate as a “backup plan” if the world does not succeed in reducing carbon emissions by 2 degrees, and now the U.S. government is throwing money behind the plans.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Earth System Research Laboratory Director of Chemical Sciences David Fahey reportedly told staff that the U.S. government is providing $4 million in funding to study two types of geoengineering. Fahey is NOAA’s top climate change scientist.

The first method on the table is a type of geoengineering known as solar radiation management. This will entail spraying aerosols into the earth’s atmosphere with the idea of reflecting sunlight and, by extension, cooling the earth. The aerosol used will likely be sulfur dioxide, which could theoretically shade the earth from intense sunlight if it is sprayed into the stratosphere. It is patterned after volcanic eruptions, which naturally cool the planet by emitting giant clouds of sulfur dioxide. However, past studies have shown that such an approach could spell disaster for certain parts of the planet.

The second approach will see aerosols being used to create low-lying artificial clouds across the ocean. It is a technique inspired by ship tracks, the long clouds that are left by passing ocean freighters visible on satellites as reflective pathways. According to reports, these clouds could be widened with injections of seawater vapor using specialized ships.

A “whole menu of things that you’d have to worry about”

Fahey acknowledges that these methods are controversial. He recommended replacing the term “geoengineering” with a term that is considered more “neutral,” such as “climate intervention.”

He added that the results of the plan would not be immediate, with the cooling not being fully completed until the next century. When questioned by a researcher about whether injecting sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere could reduce seafood because it would acidify the oceans, he admitted that there could be a lot of effects, saying: “That opens up this whole menu of things that you’d have to worry about.”

Several countries have complained that using aircraft to inject the atmosphere with aerosols could change the weather or harm the ozone layer, which would reduce our protection from dangerous radiation from sunlight.

Research shows that geoengineering could cause problems like lower crop yields, rises in land and water temperature, and the loss of blue skies.

The eco-justice organization ETC Group is one of many campaigning against geoengineering. They point out that injecting sulfate aerosols into the atmosphere over the Arctic could increase droughts and disrupt monsoons, with many of the impacts being felt in Africa. This, they say, could put the food and water sources of two billion people in jeopardy.

According to Fahey, research would be needed not only into how the aerosols could be spread evenly through the stratosphere but also what the consequences of such activity might be. It’s important to note that NOAA’s authority currently does not extend to the stratosphere, although its jurisdiction could be broadened by legislators.

In addition, reports have raised concerns that governments could change the course of harmful storms and that directing them toward other countries could be interpreted as an act of war. It is also possible that hostile governments could use forms of mass weather manipulation like geoengineering against their enemies. Like many climate change “solutions,” this one is full of huge risks. As history has shown us time and time again, interfering with nature never ends well for anyone.”

Instead of grand maniac plans like changing the entire planet’s climate, scientists are better off working on projects with clear benefits, like turning banana peels into building materials.

“Researchers in Japan have deciphered a way to use food waste, such as banana peels or cabbage leaves and turn it into building products for construction. 

A team at the Institute of Industrial Science at the University of Tokyo looked at all sorts of food waste and used a 'heat pressing' concept that is commonly used to turn wood powder into construction materials.

However, they used vacuum-dried food scraps instead and mixed the food powder with water, seasonings and put it at a high enough temperature to then test the strength, as well as keep an eye on the taste, smell and appearance of the mixture.

'Our goal was to use seaweed and common food scraps to construct materials that were at least as strong as concrete,' Yuya Sakai, the senior author of the study, said in a statement

'But since we were using edible food waste, we were also interested in determining whether the recycling process impacted the flavor of the original materials.' 

The findings will be published in an The 70th Annual Meeting of The Society of Materials Science, Japan as 'Development of Novel Construction Material from Food Waste.' 

One of the study's co-authors, Kota Machida, said that all of the materials exceeded their 'bending strength target,' except for the pumpkins.

Also notable was the strength of Chinese cabbage leaves, which Machida added 'produced a material over three times stronger than concrete.'

When the cabbage leaves were mixed with the pumpkin-based material, there was an 'effective reinforcement' that satisfied the researchers.

Surprisingly, the newly recycled food scraps kept most of their taste, the researchers found.

If seasonings like salt or sugar were added to improve taste, the strength was not reduced. 

The material was also notably not negatively impacted by rot, fungi, or insects and there was no 'appreciable changes' to appearance or taste after being exposed to air for four months.    

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, food waste is an enormous problem domestically.

It's estimated that between 30 and 40 percent of food is wasted annually, or approximately 20 pounds per per per month.

At a level of 31 percent, that would equate to approximately 133 billion pounds of food or $161 billion worth of food, as of 2010.

Globally, the issue is even larger: the World Food Program estimates that one-third of the world's food is wasted every year, or $1 trillion worth.   

As such, it is 'crucial for develop methods for recycling food scraps,' the university said in the release.

With the materials strong enough for construction projects yet still edible in nature and taste, there could be a number of 'creative applications' that comes from their research, the university added.”

There, university research that seems to have clear benefits, for who would not want to have a house made out of banana peels!



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