How Does One Make the Precious Babies of the Left, Happy? By Paul Walker

     There is plenty of evidence that the ruling elites hate the ordinary White working people – here are some smelly quotes from US elites:, thanks to Charles Taylor. The globalists want immigrants for economic and race genocide reasons, and the Left want them, well, because they are the new cool group who are going to “make revolution, baby,” because the white working class failed to fulfil their 1960s dreams.

     Why then have the Left rioted at the G20 in Hamburg, Germany:  Simply because, that is what the Left does. It is an intrinsically violent ideology, and violence provides an outlet for frustrated idealistic, brainwashed rebellious young, who have too much affluence and time on their hands.
     Rioting is also good business for the surveillance state, which can use this excuse for new measures to limit freedoms. And, the Leftoid rioters, whose parents are usually in power, grow up to become part of the ruling elite, having served their apprenticeship of evil.
     It is a system where nothing goes to waste, and everything is recycled in the great compost heap of modernity.



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