Home Maintenance, and Renovation, During the Civil War By John Steele

I saw this amusing piece about what one should do, if American, and later here in Oz, when the urban terrorist come to one’s house, by my favourite martial arts writer, James LaFond. I hope it gets a chuckle. Our councils will definitely not approve most of these measures, but I suppose it is for a time, without rule of law, or local law, maybe only warlord/antifa “law”?



“What can you do to make your home a less likely target?

Have some psychotic hobo stick fight with you in your driveway.


Do not cut your grass.

Do not trim your trees.

Your back yard should be perma-cultured with fruit bearing brambles, like black berry and raspberry. This is an old Jamaican trick. There should be no easy access to back or side door. Sensei Steve just boarded up the back door at 6666 Caucasian Avenue, nailed that … shut.


Deface your car or truck with spare paint, bullet holes, stab the sh** out of the fender and hood with your kukri or K-bar. Let your kids finger paint on it...

Hang animal skins from any trees in your side yard, skulls too. If you see a dead dog on the side of the road, hang it from a tree in your yard. That buck you shoot—just butcher and hang it, don't mount it.

Worn out appliances and scrap metal, old vacuum cleaners, etc, should be left on the front lawn.

Install metal roll doors above your windows on the side of the house, basically what pharmacies now do.

Order a dump truck of gravel and have it dumped in your yard so that vehicles cannot ram your front wall in.

Make sure you have the least privileged looking abode in the neighborhood.

In trusting Mormon Country, I noticed that people list the family members on the address. I suggest putting up your own family greeting:

The Jackson's: Big Tone; Tannika; Tyrone; Queanie Girl; Tone; Jeromenique; Uncle Mike; Lille Tone; Tiny Tone; BayBay Tone ...

You get it.

I would consider a giant tin foil hat atop an antenna.

No flags, no political posters are recommended. Keep in mind that one day, all of those hipsters sporting BLM banners and such will be the targets of NGO billeting. "We welcome" refugee signs will be taken as promise of a free room and food and sex. …

Do not forget to toss your beer bottles and liquor bottles in the front yard.

This is a 100% guarantee, if you stay inside when they parade down your block. …

I also think that steel bumpers should be installed around the fragile exterior of your vehicles and a plow for the front of pickup trucks.”


I imagine that this is strictly for the apocalypse, but for us the take home lesson is to be a grey man and not attract attention to one’s home. No Australian flag for example, no signs, stickers nothing on one’s car. As much as I love the National Rifle Association, don’t have an “I love the NRA” sticker on one’s front gate, mail box or car, like what I saw the other day, right here in Australia! Situational awareness is everything.







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