Hey, this is Fishy, Pfizer! By Brian Simpson

If employees eat at their very own restaurant that they work at, you can guess that the food is probably pretty good, as they would know about what goes down in preparation. Now, what about pharmaceuticals? Same principle I contend. So, that brings us to what goes on in shop at Pfizer. Spell check saved me, as I missed out the “P” first hit. Whatever would that spell?


“Despite manufacturing and pushing its “safe and effective” Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” on the public, pharmaceutical giant Pfizer will reportedly not be mandating them for its own employees.

Images leaked from a “confidential” Pfizer booklet written by Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer Payal Betcher show that Pfizer is defying fake “president” Joe Biden’s effort to convince the private sector to mandate the shots on employees.

“Please note that if you have declared you are not been vaccinated [sic], decline to declare your status, or have a medial or a religious accommodation, Pfizer will require that you participate in a COVID-19 [Chinese coronavirus] polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing regimen,” the literature explains about how the “unvaccinated” at Pfizer will be punished for just saying no to the deadly injections.

According to the same document, about 80 percent of Pfizer’s employees have voluntarily taken the jabs, while 20 percent have decided to preserve their God-given DNA and protect it from being permanently tampered with by the experimental gene therapy.

The document was leaked not long after …  Joe met with airline executives to try to strongarm them into mandating Donald “father of the vaccine” Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” injections for all of their employees, including pilots.

Dementia Joe’s rambling tirades about the shots have been successful with United Airlines, but other major airlines have declined his predatory advances. Many are worried that forcing the jabs will render them prone to discrimination lawsuits.

“Among the concerns is the possibility that companies will be exposed to discrimination lawsuits as they call staff back to their desks after 18 months of pandemic-induced work from home,” Reuters reported.

China Joe, meanwhile, has promised to “have their backs and the backs of other private and public sector leaders if they take such steps,” the fake “president” announced on August 3.

Only 14 percent of American companies are requiring employees to take covid shots

According to a recent survey by consultants from Mercer, which looked at more than 200 major American companies, only about 14 percent of them are requiring their staff to take the jabs. The rest are rightfully leaving it as an option for whoever chooses to get needled.

Hunter’s dad is upset about this, though. He is said to be currently looking into whether or not he can personally mandate Fauci Flu shots for all Americans without violating the Constitution or other laws.

“People are dying and will die who don’t have to die,” Biden mumbled in a July 29 threat while trying to read the teleprompters. “If you’re out there unvaccinated, you don’t have to die.”

Beijing Biden has made it clear that he has no plans to relent in pursuing an authoritarian vaccine mandate for all of America. When he is not busy sniffing little girls and groping their bodies, Dementia Joe is said to be consulting with federal government lawyers about just how far he can push this whole thing and get away with it.

Back in June, the Biden regime was caught paying off social media influencers to pose as “hospital staff” while pushing Wuhan Flu shots on their followers.

“They don’t want a bunch of dead employees,” wrote one Breitbart News commenter about why Pfizer has chosen not to mandate its own jabs on company employees.

“Maybe those employees know something the general public hasn’t been informed of?” speculated another about what Pfizer knows that it is not telling the rest of the world. “Something smells here, and it’s not just Joe Biden one hour after a missed diaper change.””


“Internal documents suggest the Pfizer, the drug manufacturer responsible for one the world’s leading coronavirus vaccines, does not require coronavirus vaccination of its employees.

Images of a purported “confidential” Pfizer booklet written by Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer Payal Betcher indicate the company has defied President Joe Biden’s push to have private companies mandate vaccination and only requires testing of its unvaccinated employees.

“Please note that if you have declared you are not been vaccinated, decline to declare your status, or have a medical or a religious accommodation, Pfizer will require that you participate in a COVID-19 [Chinese coronavirus] polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing regimen,” images of the literature read.

The documents also indicates over 80 percent of company employees opted to receive the vaccine, suggesting slightly under 20 percent of the Pfizer workforce remain unvaccinated.

The leaked documents come after Biden met with airline executives to convince them to mandate vaccinations for their employees.

“But companies have wrestled with the extent of their authority to require shots,” Reuters reported. “Among the concerns is the possibility that companies will be exposed to discrimination lawsuits as they call staff back to their desks after 18 months of pandemic-induced work from home.”

That risk has not stopped Biden’s efforts. “I will have their backs and the backs of other private and public sector leaders if they take such steps,” he said on August 3.

According to a survey by consultants at Mercer studying over 200 American companies, 14 percent require staff to be vaccinated to work in the office.

Biden stated Wednesday he has federal government lawyers looking into if he can mandate vaccinations for all Americans. “People are dying and will die who don’t have to die. If you’re out there unvaccinated, you don’t have to die,” he said July 29.”







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