Here is Why with the Covid Vaxxes, it is “Never Forget” By Mrs Vera West

As detailed at Letters from Australia substack, which has been an excellent journal tracing the harms of the Covid vaxxes and the mandates, we should not be forgetting about the Covid years, even though things have moved on and there are new threats in other areas. In short, as told below, people died from the vaxxes, and this is admitted by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), and many others were injured. Compensation has been inadequate, with the national compensation scheme only recognising 10 conditions; in any case that scheme is being closed down in September.

Hence, there is a class action for compensation to be made before the Federal Court, against the TGA, Federal Government, Department of Health and Aged Care Secretary Brendan Murphy and Former Deputy Secretary of Health Products Regulation Group John Skerritt, with the cause of action being negligence and misfeasance, relating to its approval and monitoring of the Covid vaxxes. Letters from Australia reports that the numbers in the class action is growing, which is a good thing for the sake of justice.

"It felt like no-one was listening," said Ian Lees, of Springwood in the lower Blue Mountains.

His beautiful, creative daughter Katie, 34, had been killed by the AstraZeneca gene-vaccine in 2021.

At that time Australia was gripped by a covid-panic. Both the government and corporate media were running a heavy propaganda campaign to mass-vaccinate the country with a new class of genetic drugs that were only provisionally registered.

Katie Lees took the Vaxzevria shot in July as she wanted to perform her one-woman comedy show Temporary at the Flight Path Theatre in Marrickville, Sydney, when the winter lockdown lifted.

She never got the chance.

Vaxzevria gave Katie blood clots and a low platelet count known as thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome, killing her less than two weeks later.

The Lees family started a foundation in Katie's honour to help young women in the performing arts, but in 2021 the media would not tell their story. A friend of the family reached out to four PR firms who labelled it an "anti-vax" message. The family put a notice on the Flight Path Theatre and the local Inner West Council told them to take it down because they were "a pro-vax council".

Mr Lees, 66, a leadership development consultant, told Letters From Australia how the family had been stonewalled.

It was mid-2022 before the media would report on it, despite Katie's death being one of the 14 fatalities that the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) admits was caused by the gene-based products.

The government voiced some concerns on Vaxzevria in June 2021 but left it on the market until it was dropped in 2023.

The risk of covid death in someone of Katie's age was always less than 0.01 percent according to peer-reviewed data by respected Stanford epidemiology professor John Ioannidis. There was no need for her ever to take the gene-vaccine.

Despite a wide variety of damage from all the covid gene-vaccines described in the medical literature, the national compensation scheme only recognises 10 conditions of which six are only claimable if AstraZeneca's product was the one injected. The scheme closes in September.

Multiple experts have said there are many people whose injuries and deaths have not been reported to the TGA as potentially caused by the products much less investigated or counted in the official statistics.

Many gene-vaccine injured and bereaved people have been isolated, suppressed and ignored.

They gathered in Sydney on Friday to join Queensland GP Melissa McCann at the Federal Court for a case management hearing on their class action for compensation.

The case relates to the TGA's approval and monitoring of the covid gene-vaccines, including alleged negligence and misfeasance. The respondents include the Federal Government, Department of Health and Aged Care Secretary Brendan Murphy and Former Deputy Secretary of Health Products Regulation Group John Skerritt.

NR Barbi Solicitor is representing lead applicants Gareth O'Gradie, Antonio Derose and Anthony Rose in the class action, which continues, and is growing.

Forest of the Fallen, Letters From Australia and many ordinary people came to Hyde Park to show support for the gene-vaccine injured and bereaved, and to acknowledge their stories.

Each stake tells the story of a person injured or killed by the novel shots.

Conor Briggs, who suffered pericarditis at age 23 after his second Pfizer jab, was joined by his mother Paula. His own story is in the forest.

Conor was a healthy young man before his injections, studying IT and music. He is still full of talent but now has difficulty walking up stairs. He remains positive but has tried many different treatments in a heartbreaking journey to heal, with no end in sight, as he details on his website.

Phil Schultz, who lost his brother Barry after his first Pfizer shot, was also there, as was Ellie, a beautiful young legal secretary whose gene-vaccine caused an autoimmune condition that put her in a wheelchair.

Up on level 19 the courtroom overflowed with injured, bereaved and their supporters. Others watched via livestream.

Dr McCann said it had been a chance for the injured to connect with each other and to feel less alone in their suffering.

"This matter is moving ahead with a strong legal team including senior counsel and I believe it will provide the best opportunity for some hope for justice for what has happened to so many," she said.

Mr Lees said the Forest of the Fallen display gave him a good feeling of support - but also showed how hard the problem is for those who have been ignored or fobbed ff because their injuries are not clear-cut or officially recognised.

"Oh my goodness, this is so big," he said.

"Friday night I went to bed and all I could see was those little flags." 



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