Here Comes Paedophilia the Next Big Thing By Mrs Vera West

     Paedophilia is the next big thing of the evil elites. A vote will be taken in a few days to lower the age of consent to 13 years:

“Laurent Henry proposed the motion which “could free thousands of unjustly convicted prisoners” if the parliament decides to pass it.
“Our prisons are filled with young men that have been robbed of their youth, condemned to rot in jail for an act that should not be a crime. Why are we denying these young men the chance to play a more positive role in modern society?”, he said before the assembly Tuesday.
“Some even argue that a law on the age of consent has become superfluous and should no longer exist.”

“Outdated laws”
Laws on pedophilia are outdated claims top German immigration attorney, Hans Goldsberg.

“There will be the need for a consolidation of national laws under the current European system on the legal aspects of sex. Most of these national rulings don’t represent the modern social complexities of our times and are legally baseless. Some even argue that a law on the age of consent has become superfluous and should no longer exist,” claims the lawyer who has worked for more than 35 years in his field of work.”

     So there you have it. This is what the elites here will be moving on in a few year’s time. So, I hope you have all done your best to promote the No vote. Time is fast running out.



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