Have A Look at the Ancho-Tyranny System; The Case of Dr Judy Mikovits By Mrs Vera West

     The League has featured one excellent video about Dr Judy Mikovits, and here is a bit more information. In a nut shell, Dr Mikovits previously had a distinguished career as a cellular and molecular biologist. However, things changed once her research team discovered the inconvenient fact that many vaccines are contaminated with gamma-retroviruses, a product of the use of contaminated animal cells. She stated that gamma-retroviruses can cause numerous serious diseases such as cancer. She believes that the virus causing Covid-19, SARS-CoV-2, may in fact activate previously dormant retroviruses causing Covid-19. The documentary Plandemic details this research. As expected today, the film is being censored by Big Techy, but people, bless them, keep putting it up. As well, Dr Mikovits has a book, Plague of Corruption, which is a best seller. I expected Amazon to have banned the book, but it is there, listed as a best seller, hardcover is $ 19.20, so get it when you can.


“Facebook has initiated a whole new level of tyranny and censorship to try to eliminate any information about the Wuhan coronavirus that disagrees with the World Health Organization, which is largely run by communist China and is currently led by a former member of a violent communist group. Late last night, Facebook began banning all links from Brighteon.com, regardless of the content of the videos, claiming that videos about gardening and smoothie recipes and backyard chickens now violate Facebook’s “community guidelines.” The real reason for the banning, of course, is that Brighteon.com hosts the “Plandemic” video featuring Dr. Judy Mikovits who warns about the dangers of the coronavirus vaccine. Users have posted a Portuguese version of the documentary that has achieved nearly a million views, and a Greek language version is also rapidly gaining hundreds of thousands of views. The rapid explosion in people viewing the video has resulted in Facebook blacklisting the entire Brighteon platform, confirming Facebook is engaged in anti-trust behavior to try to crush competing platforms by starving them of user traffic. This is blatant criminal anti-trust behavior on the part of Facebook, and it is a direct attack on human knowledge and human freedom. Even more importantly, both Facebook and YouTube now openly claim that any content which contradicts the “official” opinions of the W.H.O. will be banned, meaning Facebook and YouTube are now run by communist China, because that’s the anti-human rights regime that dictates the policies of the W.H.O.”


     You can view the documentary Plandemic at the Natural News link above.



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