Has the Time Arrived for White Identity Politics? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Robert Wallace at Counter-Currents.com, puts the case that the time has arrived in the US for white p[people to adopt identity politics themselves and stop pretending that they are universal. The core reason is that whites are fast becoming a minority, and the societies that they crated are being undermined, as the Great Replacement rolls on. Sure, this is tribalism, but those white universalists who proclaim that need to wake up, move out of the grassy suburbs and live for a time in places like Baltimore to get a taste of the new reality. In fact, this is true for all major cities in the West.




American patriots are hungry for white identity politics.  It was inevitable. White nations are being wrecked by non-whites acting as tribal blocs. Whites are being attacked as a tribal bloc. Eventually, whites will start fighting back as a tribal bloc.

Whites have been slow to respond in kind because of traitorous leaders and the silly idea that identity politics is bad, but only for white people. Still, it was only a matter of time before white Americans woke up and started fighting back as whites. Polling data now shows that the awakening is here:

The people who are most surprised by this are long-time white advocates, some of whom have been predicting for decades that such an awakening is inevitable. It is true that white identity was almost nonexistent as recently as the 1990s . But due to Obama, Trump, Black Lives Matter, the Great Replacement, and open anti-white hatred, whites have caught on to their group interests. This will only intensify  as white Americans continue to be assaulted, and there is no reason to think that our enemies have the foresight and self-control to moderate their attack.

Of course, this awakening  is a cause for celebration for white advocates. But we can’t rest on our laurels. Now is the moment to push harder than ever. Although white Americans are hungry for our message, in the upcoming elections, the Republican Party and conservative movement are poised to harvest white discontent–and then channel it into more business as usual: tax cuts for billionaires, giveaways to Our Greatest Ally, Platinum Pandering to non-whites, and color-blind civic nationalism for whites. But responding to anti-white identity politics with Republican pabulum is like taking a knife to a gunfight. It is time to face the truth: these people promote a losing strategy because they want us to lose. Stop listening to them.

What should white advocates do?

First, we need to keep promoting our message: whites are being attacked as whites, and we need to defend ourselves as whites. When the Republicans are swept back into power in November, millions of whites will want to go back to sleep. We won’t let them.

Second, although we have made enormous gains in the battle of ideas, we need to convert public opinion into political gains. Thus the next step is to create a policy institute with two primary goals.

  • First, white identity politics currently exists as a mere “specter ,” a bogeyman evoked by the establishment. To turn that specter into a real political force, we need to know how many of us there are, where we are, and how committed we are. Only then will our votes matter as much as our ideas .
  • Second, we need to propose concrete policy solutions to counter the negative effects of globalization and multiculturalism.

Building this institute is why I joined Counter-Currents. If you want to know more, please email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..”


I suggest that Aussies also get ahead of the curve and roll up to and send an email.

Relevant to the above essay is this item, of how the present establishment sees the mere existence of conservatives as needing a war response. Surely it is long overdue for our side of politics to wake up and realise what these monsters are up to?


“The U.S. may be on the verge of collapse due to right-wing threats on democracy, according to a recent New York Times piece that called to intensify “war games” for scenarios concerning the 2024 presidential elections such as “insurrection, secession, insurgency and civil war” in order to avert “political decay” of the country.

A Thursday New York Times essay, titled “We Need to Think the Unthinkable About Our Country,” begins by deeming the U.S. perhaps “even more alarmingly fractious and divided” one year after the January 6 Capitol riot. 

“Regrettably, the right has sustained its support for [former President] Donald Trump and continued its assault on American democratic norms,” it continues.

The essay was penned by Jonathan Stevenson, a former National Security Council staffer in the Obama administration, and Steven Simon, a former staffer in the State Department and on the National Security Council in the Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Clinton, and Obama administrations.

Speculating that the next presidential election “will almost inevitably be viciously (perhaps violently) contested,” the authors warn of a “politically existential” threat to the country due to right-wing preparations for a potential 2024 “power grab.”

“Yet many Americans seem to be whistling past the graveyard of American democracy,” the essay cautions, as it laments the little effort dedicated to “think tanks, professional military institutions and universities to build and contemplate the dire scenarios that have become increasingly plausible.” 

Describing the worst-case scenario as one where the country falls apart “at the seams,” the authors then highlight how, in the past, “worst-case thinking kept the prospect of nuclear holocaust real and the need to avoid it urgent.”

Though the essay admits since the Capitol riot, many have “recognized, ridiculed and lamented the state of our democracy,” it also claimed that, in terms of the coming presidential election, “systematic and dispassionate analysis of such possibilities has not widely emerged.”

The authors also urged reviving the 2020 bipartisan Transition Integrity Project (TIP), which they claimed far-right groups “mobilized to dismiss” after deeming the group’s activities “leftist psychological warfare” and “a blueprint for a left-wing coup.” 

“That should not stop a reprise of the project’s efforts with respect to the 2024 election,” they write.

TIP, which comprised over 100 leading experts and officials, mostly Democrats and anti-Trump Republicans, “war-gamed” potential outcomes of the 2020 elections, releasing a 22-page report in 2020, titled “Preventing a Disrupted Presidential Election and Transition.” 

The report concluded that anything less than a Biden-Harris landslide would spark catastrophe, including “violence in the streets” and a “constitutional impasse.” 

According to the report, even a “clear Trump win” was deemed possible only through “foreign interference and voter suppression” and would not be regarded as legitimate.  

The authors then warn of how some on the right pose a threat to the country’s political stability.

“A right-wing minority — including many elected politicians — is now practicing a form of brinkmanship by threatening to unilaterally destroy American democracy, daring what they hope is a timid and somnolent majority to resist them,” it reads. 

Calling to “prepare our defenses for the worst,” the essay describes how “policy focus is now on pre-empting a right-wing steal in the next national election.”

“War games, tabletop exercises, operations research, campaign analyses, conferences and seminars on the prospect of American political conflagration — including insurrection, secession, insurgency and civil war — should be proceeding at a higher tempo and intensity,” it states. 

The authors conclude by urging to “probe just how bad things could get precisely to ensure that they never do, and that America’s abject political decay is averted.”

The essay comes as the left routinely describe conservatives as a domestic threat to democracy.





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