Has the Deep State Already Tried to Assassinate President Trump? By Charles Taylor

     The internet is buzzing, what remains of alternative news services, about a possible attack on President Trump’s plane Air Force One, while he was aboard:

     The issue here is that an ordinary person recorded what appears to be a missile launch, but critics say that there are no military bases in the area, and that a submarine launch is implausible. Well, it is a surface to air missile, so that does not mean anything, for an isolated Deeper could have ordered such a hit. They killed Kennedy didn’t they and look how pro-immigration he was. Further, we do not know how Air Force One dealt with a missile attack; apparently two fighter jets follow it, so there is a fair chance the missile would have been shot down or diverted. Would Trump have the guts to talk about this, or would the attack, being part of the system, be classified? Better luck next time.

     Probably the story is not true, or only partially true. Yet, if it was true, it shows the intend of the Deep State and its manic drive to polish off what remains of the white European race, since the Deepers are quite willing to have a nuclear war, so long as they create their One World New World Disorder. But, in the end, it is better to be dead than red. Do we really want to live in a world with them? Heaven looks much better. So, go ahead punks, make my day:

     This is also a classic scene, but a warning to sensitive readers:

     They don’t make movies like those any more.



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