Global Meltdown and Climate Collapse … I Just Love it … Make the Movie Now! By James Reed

     It is all happening, like a Christmas present for me, just as most of us journalists here struggle to get through the day now, counting the nanoseconds until the holidays, to allow time for our back and neck injuries to heal before killing ourselves writing next year. Anyway, Climate-Princess Greta has come out embracing total Marxism and anti-capitalism, which shows that the colour of the Greens, is always red:

“Greta Thunberg the teenage Climate Puppet has gone full Marxist. In her latest public statement, she says that the ‘climate crisis is not just about the environment’: It is a crisis of human rights, of justice, and of political will. Colonial, racist, and patriarchal systems of oppression have created and fuelled it. We need to dismantle them all.”

     Yes, that should kill off most of the human race, and solve the problem for the polar bears. (I still wonder what these would taste like!)

     In fact, our little Marxist princess is somewhat moderate compared to some who are going full-out climate apocalypse:

“Climate change alarmists are pushing for a change in vocabulary to scare people into taking global warming more seriously, starting with terms like “global meltdown” and “climate collapse.” Writing for AdAge this week, Aaron Hall argues that in order to get people to “take action” against climate change, “rebranding” is crucial, since people have gotten too used to the idea that climate is changing and need to be shocked into the notion that the world as we know it is ending. “Is there a better way to convey the urgency of the situation, while also encouraging folks to take action? Could the tools of branding and brand naming create a more resonant, powerful name?” Mr. Hall asks. What he and his marketing team came up with was a series of much more frightening labels to stick on climate change in the hope of jolting people into meaningful engagement. The terms “Global Meltdown” or “Global Melting,” for instance, deliver a more negative image than mere “Global Warming,” he contends. “The names signal that ice caps are melting, but also create a more visceral image in the mind — that real feeling of ‘melting’ when it’s too hot outside. A meltdown is a disastrous event that draws from the ultimate terror of a nuclear meltdown, an apt metaphor for global destruction.” “Climate Collapse” and “Climate Chaos,” on the other hand, “instill a clear message or even a direct call to action,” Hall notes, adding that “there’s nothing neutral about collapse or chaos.”

To up the rhetoric even more, Hall proposes the weaponized term “Scorched Earth.” “Sometimes a brand name needs to be hyperbolic to truly capture hearts and minds. If we don’t take massive action now, Earth will be uninhabitable — an irreversible barren wasteland,” he insists. “‘Scorched Earth’ paints the direst picture of what’s to come and what we must avoid and is likely the edgiest brand name from our exploration.” “Whatever we call it, impending climate doom is upon us if we don’t act quickly,” Hall concludes. “Perhaps a new name will shift the needle, even if just a little.” Mr. Hall’s contention that it does not matter if what is said is true as long as it elicits the necessary response is reminiscent of similar assertions by leaders of the Extinction Rebellion (XR) movement. Spokespersons of the movement have acknowledged that their claims that billions of people are going to die from climate change have no basis whatsoever in scientific fact but are necessary to provoke the kind of response that is needed to cut back on greenhouse gas emissions. Pressed last month on what the basis was for predictions of mass deaths, XR spokesperson Zion Lights acknowledged there is no real ground for these predictions, but contended that such incendiary language is necessary to motivate people, confessing that “alarmist language works.”

     Personally, and remember, I am a fanatic too, I do not care anymore whether or not the climate collapse narrative has any merit or not. Suppose it is true, then so what? We would need to prepare to weather climate change, so to speak, whatever happened, even if the sky fell. While I would like to see a new ice age, if the predictions of doom of the Left were true, it will be these comfortable academic folks who will not be able to survive the Mad Max world to come. No, Mad Max without the crazy cars, where everybody carried medieval weapons in the wastelands, as Richard from London is proposing. That sounds to me to be a much better world than one dominated by the Left, one where we get to star in our own post-apocalyptic movie. That just has to be good. And: better dead than red!

     Better yet would be for the ordinary punters to start fighting back politically and actuality defeat all of this bs, but, as usual, I am not counting on miracles.



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