Ghosts Do Vote By Chris Knight

The mysterious phantom voters, used to dilute votes in several states have been found, resting poolside with a vodka martini in hand, shaken, not stirred.

“Enthusiasm is contagious and Bobby Piton has no shortage of it. Piton became an instant success after his appearance at the first round of hearings on election integrity in Arizona. Piton, an investment advisor and managing partner of Pre-Active Investments, is also a self-proclaimed math enthusiast, who was called in to assist a colleague to decipher election data from Arizona, just days before the hearing.

Piton analyzed the data from Arizona’s own government databases and discovered a unique subset of voters who could not be identified by their binary sex (male or female), which he termed ‘U’ voters. In Arizona alone, he identified as many as 300,000 of these U voters. He believes the voters comprising the U group are “phantoms”, or fake people who cast votes.

To prove his theory, Piton identified a subset of about 95,000 of these “phantom sleeper voters” in Arizona. A group of volunteers led by Liz Harris, candidate for AZ state representative in the 17th district, set out to determine whether these voters existed or whether they were truly phantoms. Of the 95,000 names identified, Piton narrowed down the potentially fake voters to a subset of 3899 potential phantoms on which to focus their efforts. He estimated 20 to 30% would be non-existent phantoms.

Harris and her team set out to find these voters and began a door-knocking campaign. The volunteers were able to knock on 2000 doors in an attempt to find the individual voters on the phantom list. They were successful in finding 1000 people willing to talk to them and of those, 539 voters who should have resided at the residence were non-existent. That is an incredible 53.9% of the registered voters who were “phantom sleeper voters”.

Then, there is the Dominion audit, with its error rate, right of the charts:

“A Michigan judge ordered the release Monday of an independent forensic audit report of the Dominion Voting Systems machines used in Antrim County, which flipped from a win for Democrat Joe Biden to President Donald Trump after a glitch was discovered and corrected.

The audit, which was led by Russell Ramsland of the Dallas-based Allied Security Operations Group, revealed over a 68 percent ballot error rate — at least 85,000 times higher than the Federal Election Commission guidelines allow.

Additionally, Ramsland’s team reported the “extremely suspicious” absence of logs regarding the abnormally high number of digitally adjudicated ballots.

Antrim County in northern Michigan made headlines last month after the discovery of an Election Day computer “glitch” that had falsely switched the county from a win for Trump to a Biden victory.

The amended results showed the president winning the county with 9,748 votes to Biden’s 5,960.

Ramsland’s report said that of the 15,676 individual voting events recorded on the Dominion Voting Systems in Antrim County, 10,667 ballots — 68.05 percent — were errors.

The allowable election error rate established by the FEC guidelines is 1 in 500,000 ballots, but Ramsland’s team used 1 in 125,000 or 0.0008 percent, making the requirement less strict to account for vagueness in the law, Ramsland said in a text to The Western Journal.

In other words, what occurred in Antrim County was at least 85,000 times higher than what is allowable.

Ramsland’s team also said it found that a “staggering number” of votes were digitally adjudicated in 2020.

The report explains that Dominion software classifies ballots in two categories: normal and adjudicated.

Ballots sent to adjudication can be altered by administrators, as was demonstrated by an election worker in Georgia last week.”

 “I want voters to be 100% confident, to be as confident as I am in this process,” said Scott Jarrett, the county’s elections director. And  Chairman Eddie Farnsworth, R-Gilbert, issued subpoenas requiring the machines — and the software that powers them — be audited. The subpoenas will “ensure that at least the legislature has a process in place” to vet the “veracity” of the 2020 election, he said.

“There is evidence of tampering, there is evidence of fraud,” Farnsworth said, despite the testimony to the contrary from state and county officials. He added that the legislative subpoenas will help restore confidence that the election was held free of “tampering, manipulation and fraud.” 

Here is a blast of optimism from a true Trump believer Mike Adams. Good to dream:

“Today’s Situation Update for Dec. 16th is embedded below. It runs about 87 minutes. Here are the highlights:

  • Results of Dominion Voting Systems forensic audit concludes the machines are deliberately designed to alter votes through artificially high error rates followed by manual adjudication (fixing) of ballots.
  • Dominion machines were set to a 68% error rate in Antrim County, and then a 70% error rate in Clark County, Nevada, now showing two counties involved in the criminal election rigging and theft.
  • Trump knows this “Cyber Pearl Harbor” is bigger than 9/11.
  • Mitch McConnell goes “full RINO” and tells other Senators to accept the Biden electoral votes on Jan. 6th.
  • President Trump accuses Dominion machines of producing “fake election.”
  • Sidney Powell calls for every Dominion voting machine to be seized and forensically audited.
  • 57% of Republicans believe Trump victory still likely through court action.
  • Wisconsin Supreme Court renders decision about voter ID on special ballots, effectively throwing 200,000 votes into dispute. (This is how Trump wins Wisconsin.)
  • Trump accuses Michigan Secretary of State of criminal misconduct.
  • Details about the SolarWinds hack and the CISA Emergency Directive 21-01.
  • GOP Chairperson of AZ says GOP electoral votes are the “legally cast votes” for the state.
  • How a Jan. 6th “contingent election” is likely to turn out.
  • Prather says Trump will wait until the very last minute to invoke the Insurrection Act.
  • Trump could nullify all U.S. national debt owed to China, over China’s use of biological weapons and cyber warfare against America.
  • Lin Wood tells Americans to prepare, seemingly about getting ready for troops in the streets.
  • The Fourteenth Amendment allows Trump to strip electors from public office if they violate their oaths of office and support rebellion or insurrection. This means Trump could instantly win the Jan. 6th electoral votes by simply invoking the Fourteenth Amendment before that day.
  • Lin Wood says GA Gov. Kemp and Sec. of State Raffensperger will soon be going to jail.
  • The AMA rescinds its attacks on hydroxychloroquine. It was all a sham to get vaccines approved under “emergency authorization.”
  • Veterans Affairs wants to vaccinate black veterans first, because it’s always blacks who are used in medical experiments.
  • GOP Representative calls for Pelosi to vaccinate all lawmakers. We say YES! Triple vaccinate them!
  • On MSNBC, Dr. Gupta says even after you get a vaccine, you still can’t travel, you might get infected, and you have to wear a mask. Seriously WTF?
  • Jeff Rose in at the DOJ. Richard Donoghue moves up into deputy position. Huge implications.
  • Former FBI official pleads guilty to receiving bribes.”


It is all happening in these depressingly exciting times. Better than slipping over and tearing out one’s entire knee.



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