Getting Philosophical about the Collapse of America By James Reed

With Beijing Biden, the neo-con war mongers, the ugliest face of part of the Deep State, are besides themselves, eager to throw the US into endless wars, while tearing down the little bit of the Wall Trump built, thus allowing the Great Replacement of Euro-America to proceed as normal, with a non-white majority in a few years, and Democrat dictatorship forever. Yes, the stakes were high in the 2020 election, and the great tragedy is not the fraud, which even proverbial blind Freddy could have seen coming, but that Trump just did not get it. He did not see that this is the end of what he represents, and it will mean his own personal demise.


“Can we draw the parallel between Aurelius and Trump? Both the USA and Europe are facing today similar turbulent scenarios where peoples of European ancestry will soon have to make a choice: how to preserve their racial and cultural identity in the face of the coming migrant storms? The present turmoil in the USA is just a natural follow-up to the great racial replacement that has been going on over the last 70 years, both in the United States and Europe.

The present Covid virus is only a small part of a “narrative history” – or “history of the event”—which the French call l’histoire évènementielle, i.e., a slice of history solely focusing on one single and separate event. Such an isolated historical event, e.g., the Covid shutdown, is relatively unimportant unless it becomes a factor speeding up a larger flow of history. The Covid scare is already going viral, forcing all EU/US politicians to reexamine a larger stretch of their historical memory, going back to 1945.  Undoubtedly, four years of President Trump’s slamming the mainstream media for spreading fake news has significantly undermined the intellectual and diplomatic narrative of the post-WWII Order. Many myths and mendacities imposed upon Europe and Whites in the aftermath of 1945, thanks to Trump’s presidency, have now fallen apart. Trump’s foes in Europe and the US do not like this. …

Just as America is being balkanized at its extreme now between the supporters of Trump and supporters of the Deep State, so is Europe being polarized at its extreme between proponents of state sovereignty and proponents of globalism. The wartime years of 1941–1945 haven’t resolved anything. We are back again in the Weimaresque and balkanesque epoch, both in the USA and the EU. The winner-takes-all will soon change the political language and define thereafter his version of historical truth. If the American left gains the hegemony they so ardently desire — hegemony that is entirely within their reach, if not now, then certainly in the near future as demographics become even more decisive — it will be the end not just of the people and culture of traditional America, but of the entire West.”


That is the question; will the rage that Trump helped ignite continue to burn, or will the globalist succeed in extinguishing the flames of resistance? We saw this many times, especially here in Australia, with CIR, anti-immigration, and other movements, which got going, but were ultimately smashed by the same creatures.







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