Foreign Graduates and Unemployment By James Reed

     Migrants in Australia, we are told, have delivered an almost four-fold increase in employment growth between 2011 and 2016: The Australian, July 21, 2017, p. 7.  It though is a Ponzi scheme, with the growth being caused by migrants anyway, who tend to be put into what jobs are available. The claim is made that the only jobs lost are those of the unskilled, but this is manifestly untrue, because local skilled also miss out, such as some university graduates.

     For example, the new class elites want to see international students working in the state even before they finish their studies: The Australian July 19, 2017, p. 27.  These jobs will be lost to locals, and it is just magical thinking to suppose that the flow of money spent by international students will create new jobs. There is considerable flexibility in the economy to absorb workers, and to not require more for increased output. More efficiency is simply squeezed out of existing workers. Thus, increased student loads is met by making young PHDers work harder, not by increasing the number of jobs. The money just goes as profit:;;

     The idea that immigrants create jobs is another rationalisation produced by the priestly economic class to justify mass migration and increased profits to their masters, the corporate capitalists:
     The economic approach to virtually everything means that long-term issues, such as ethnic displacement are not examined, or are dismissed. Yet, at present in England, mothers born abroad now account for 28.2 percent of births, and rising:, giving the lie to the song line that there will always be an England:



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