For the Religion of Climate Changeism: Time to Eat Worms! By James Reed

The drive to ban red meat off the bone is on, with the replacement being, among other things, worms! This is yet another example of the Masters of the Universe getting their jollies off by humiliating the masses who they see as asses, or maybe even lower life forms, like … birds. They eat worms, don’t they and love it too! But the paradox here is that the people who will do this are so dumbed down that they are not really “sport.” In the Predator movies, the evil aliens there do not hunt down the weak, only those who might put up something of a fight. Our elites are too pathetic to have that sense of honour of the sportsman! In say, an MMA cage match, they would wish to fight disabled children. Even then, the opponents must be bound and gagged, which is what is happening now.

“Dried yellow mealworms could soon be hitting supermarket shelves and restaurants across Europe.

The European Union’s 27 nations gave the greenlight Tuesday to a proposal to put the Tenebrio molitor beetle’s larvae on the market as a “novel food.”

The move came after the EU’s food safety agency published a scientific opinion this year that concluded worms were safe to eat. Researchers said the worms, either eaten whole or in powdered form, are a protein-rich snack or an ingredient for other foods.

Allergic reactions may occur for people with pre-existing allergies to crustaceans and dust mites, the Commission said. 

Insects as food represent a very small market but EU officials said breeding them for food could have environmental benefits. The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization calls insects “a healthy and highly nutritious food source with a high content of fat, protein, vitamins, fibers and minerals.” 

Following Tuesday’s approval by EU states, a EU regulation authorizing dried yellow mealworms as a food will be adopted in the coming weeks.”



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