For the Left, Truth is Toxic By James Reed

With the greatest electoral fraud in human history now unfolding, it is time for philosophical reflection by those of us not in America, because we are safe for a time, to speculate, until the fall of America unleashes, China threat, but I digress. Nick Cohen had something interesting to say about the left’s attitude to truth: “someone once said (it may have been me) that while the left looks for traitors the right looks for converts. Only in Britain’s centre ground, however, are converts treated as traitors.”

If we think about all the Left produces, including academic products such as postmodernism, deconstructionism, feminism, queer studies and the like, the thing missing is a deep commitment to evidence and logical argument. Thus, the two genders are deconstructed because there are inter-sex, or sexually ambiguous individuals, and this same argument is repeated in numerous publications. Yet it is invalid, since an intermediate form does not imply that the ends of the spectrum do not exist. There are for example organisms which are difficult to classify as either plant or animal, but that does not show that there are not paradigm cases of plants and animals. For example, there is a world of difference between a tomato plant, and a bison, and these are real world differences which are not socially constructed.

Of course, some academic relativists would have it that everything is a social construction, including say common sense objects like tables:

While this seems smart-assed clever, these academics do not apply the same social constructionist argument to sociology. What are the entities of sociology, and what is social constructionism itself but yet another social construction? Surely from our perspective there is no reason to accept that view over any others if all is relative. The social construction of reality, by its own terms, is just a leftist construction, and there is no reason for us to take it seriously beyond the need to politically destroy it.

And that is the general Left position, which is opportunistic with truth, openly willing to lie to achieve their ends. Reality is an option for them, for like Marx, they believe that the philosophers and scientists have only interpreted the world in various ways, but the point is to change it, to conform to communist ideology. This is simply intellectual parasitism, and in the long term it cannot but come unstuck.





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