Finally, I Found that Lost Turmeric Article! By Mrs Vera West

This was one that got away, but I found the article on a magical effect of turmeric the other day. Here, let me share it with you now:

“Despite its best efforts to ignore the reality of natural cancer cures, the medical establishment has just been forced to document a stunning case of a woman completely eliminating stage-3 cancer using nothing but turmeric, a superfood spice commonly used in curry.

Every last sign of cancer was eliminated using nothing but curcumin from turmeric

This remarkable elimination of cancer was documented by the British Medical Journal in its “case reports” archive. Entitled, “Long-term stabilisation of myeloma with curcumin,” the analysis dare not mention the word “cure,” as that terminology is banned across the entire medical and scientific establishment which insists there’s “no such thing as a cure for cancer.”

According to the BMJ documentary, authored by Dr. Abbas Zaidi:

…[W]e describe a myeloma patient who started a daily dietary supplement of curcumin when approaching her third relapse. In the absence of further antimyeloma treatment, the patient plateaued and has remained stable for the last 5 years with good quality of life.

In other words, this woman eliminated all signs of cancer from her body by taking nothing more than a curcumin supplement made from turmeric root. (Curcumin is the most potent phytochemical found in turmeric.) Even more, the woman who took the curcumin supplement learned about curcumin on the internet, very likely from Natural News or a related website that documents the strong science behind anti-cancer foods and supplements such as turmeric. (Natural News has empowered tens of millions of people around the world to take control of their health and prevent serious disease by using simple, affordable foods and natural medicine.)

“A woman who battled blood cancer for years without success finally halted the disease with turmeric,” reported the UK Daily Mail. “Dieneke Ferguson is now leading a normal life after giving up on gruelling treatments that failed to stop it.”

Ferguson, you see, tried chemotherapy but quickly realized how toxic chemo is to the human body. So, she stopped the chemo and started taking curcumin supplements instead. Five years later, she’s cancer free and has outlived the full life expectancy of someone diagnosed with the type of cancer she once had. The UK Daily Mail adds:

Doctors say her case is the first recorded instance in which a patient has recovered by using the spice after stopping conventional medical treatments. With her myeloma spreading rapidly after three rounds of chemotherapy and four stem cell transplants, the 67-year-old began taking 8g of curcumin a day – one of the main compounds in turmeric. Mrs Ferguson, who was first diagnosed in 2007, continues to take curcumin without further treatment and her cancer cell count is negligible.

“Ferguson began taking eight grams of curcumin in tablet form daily. This is equivalent to about two teaspoonfuls of pure powdered curcumin,” reports, which also adds:

Within only 15 months, Ferguson noticed a considerable difference in her overall health. It wasn’t just a feeling either; oncologists saw that her plasma blood levels were almost normal. These blood counts have remained within the normal range for the last five years.

Jamie Cavenagh, professor of blood diseases at London’s Barts Hospital, who reviewed Ferguson’s case, was bemused. “When you review her chart, there’s no alternative explanation [for her recovery] other than we’re seeing a response to curcumin,” he said.

Ferguson said she will continue to take her supplements. She reports herself as happy, healthy, and enjoying a “high-quality life.”

Here is the abstract from the British Medical Journal:

“Myeloma is a haematological malignancy which typically follows a relapsing-remitting course. While treatment can control the myeloma and improve quality of life for given periods of time, remissions generally become progressively shorter with subsequent relapses, and patients ultimately enter a final refractory phase. To help control symptoms and enhance quality of life, some patients use complementary therapies as an adjunct to their conventional therapy. Here, we describe a myeloma patient who started a daily dietary supplement of curcumin when approaching her third relapse. In the absence of further antimyeloma treatment, the patient plateaued and has remained stable for the last 5 years with good quality of life.”





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