Feminism, Gender Essentialism and Other Academic Nonsense By Mrs Vera West

     Across the country, our daughters at universities are probably being told about the evils of gender essentialism, and maybe doing term papers and exams, in a number of Social Science disciplines, such as psycho Psychology, where gender is viewed as a social construction. The nature/ gender distinction does not exist, and bearded men with functional genitalia can be as much a woman as I am, or was, as Chelsea, but not Hillary, Clinton has affirmed:

     Then there are literal breast-feeding daddies, because there must be in the New World Order:

“Is it possible for a man to breastfeed a baby? For millenniums, this question has tickled people’s imagination. It has intrigued; it has disgusted; it has also remained largely hypothetical. That is, until last year, when a peer-reviewed case report confirmed that a transgender woman, assigned male at birth, was able to breastfeed her child after she was put on a regimen of hormonal drugs. Weeks before the baby’s birth, she was able to produce eight ounces of milk per day, and for the first six weeks, the baby could be sustained solely on that milk alone. Before the treatment, the patient had been receiving feminizing hormones for six years. We don’t know how long it would take for a cis man to induce functional lactation. But “we have a pretty good idea of the types of hormone cocktails that would be needed,” said Tamar Reisman, an endocrinologist with the Mount Sinai Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery and one of the two authors of the case report. We are unlikely to stumble upon dads openly suckling their babies anytime soon. The hormones are not without side effects; they inevitably entail some degree of breast growth. But as technology has made it increasingly feasible, the potential impact of male breastfeeding on gender roles — who takes on what sort of parenting duties, and all of the consequences that result from those early first choices — looms larger than ever. And at least one man is excited about the possibilities.

“I just thought, ‘How cool if it would work!’” Mr. Bengtsson said. “Just imagine the extraordinary consequences it could have for our society.”   

     If it is contrary to traditional conceptions of manhood, then it must be done, using of course, technologically constructed, not socially constructed means. I read while finding that reference, a standard feminist piece arguing that women are naturally stronger than men:

“According to a tally maintained by the global Gerontology Research Group, today, 43 people around the world are known to be living past the age of 110. Of these supercentenarians, 42 are women. Interviews with the world’s current oldest person, 117-year-old Violet Brown, who lives in Jamaica, reveal she enjoys eating fish and mutton. She once worked as a plantation worker. Her lifestyle betrays few clues as to how she has lived so long. But one factor we know has helped is being a woman. Yet there is bizarrely little research to explain the biology behind this. What scientists do know is that this edge doesn’t emerge in later life. It is there from the moment a girl is born. “When we were there on the neonatal unit and a boy came out, you were taught that, statistically, the boy is more likely to die,” says Joy Lawn, director of the Centre for Maternal, Adolescent, Reproductive, and Child Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. She explains that, globally, a million babies die on the day of their birth every year. But if they receive exactly the same level of care, males are statistically at a 10% greater risk than females. What makes baby girls so robust remains mostly a mystery. Research published in 2014 by scientists at the University of Adelaide suggests that a mother’s placenta may behave differently depending on the sex of the baby, doing more to maintain the pregnancy and increase immunity against infections. For reasons unknown, girls may be getting an extra dose of survivability in the womb.”

     This is an article that feminist like to quote, but the alleged mystery of female survivability is easily explained sociobiologically from the need for females, who bear children, to have a higher survival rate. At worst, one male could inseminate a number of females in a collapse-style situation. But, that does not go down too well with the old girls of feminism.

     Men should be more ladylike, the feminist say, but what constitutes a lady is a pure piece of sociology, according to their own nonsense, so it is just as good that men be like John Wayne, then as the castrated soy boys they want to see:

     The contemporary attack upon masculinity is not going to end the way the feminist think it will:



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