Fear the Walking Dead ... Sorry, White Men By Charles Taylor

     Here are some juicy articles in the theatre of the absurd, showing the levels of madness of the progressives. Muslim representative Ilhan Omar, one of the “Squad’ thinks people should fear white men more:

“Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) suggested in a recently resurfaced interview that Americans should be “more fearful of white men” than radical Islamic terror. In an August 2018 interview with Al Jazeera host Medhi Hasan, the far-left “Squad” member was asked for her thoughts on the purported rise of Islamophobia in the wake of terror attacks such as the Manhattan bike path massacre that killed eight people. “I would say our country should be more fearful of white men across our country because they are actually causing most of the deaths within this country,” Omar claimed.”

     Well, if only that was true! If anything, Whites have become the punching bags of the world. Then we have Pete Buttigieg, who has a name just made for crude jokes:

“Mayor Pete Buttigieg continues warning of the rising threat of white nationalism, telling voters in Iowa over the weekend he believed that it was the most deadly form of terrorism in the United States. “White Nationalist violence has killed more people on American soil than any other source of terrorism,” he told voters in Shenandoah, Iowa, on Saturday. “We got to name that, confront that and say that is not us.” The audience of Iowa Democrats applauded and cheered Buttigieg’s statement. Buttigieg did not compare statistics between violent attacks from white nationalists in the United States and attacks conducted or inspired by radical Islamic terrorists such as the 2,977 Americans killed in the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the Pulse Nightclub shooting, the San Bernardino shooting, the Boston Marathon bombing, or the shooting at a military base in Fort Hood, Texas. The South Bend mayor frequently warns about the existential threat posed by white nationalists as he continues his run for president. “It could be the lurking issue that ends this country in the future if we don’t wrangle it down in our time,” he told ABC News on Saturday. Buttigieg’s warnings about white nationalism frequently fit with his message of how Democrats will keep America more secure than Republicans. In March, he accused President Donald Trump of failing to protect America from the threat of white nationalism in an interview with the Intercept. “He is failing to protect us from the clear and present dangers that white nationalism poses,” Buttigieg said, arguing that Trump was “probably sympathetic” to their ideology. He also indicated in an interview with Buzzfeed in March that Trump supporters were “complicit” in the rise of the threat posed by white nationalists.

     Talk about Whites under the bed fears. Where do they get these critters from? Anyway, the anti-whiters are so crazed now that they even hate white blue-eyed cutey, cutey, puppies:

“If you thought the act of getting a family dog was something above politics you were wrong. Last week a tweet theorizing that “white people love dogs so much because deep down they miss owning slaves” went viral.
As absurd as that was, it seemed the reaction to the tweet was mostly negative. Most people, especially those with dogs, recognize that people who have dogs see them as part of their families. We miss them when we leave the house and we’re happy to return home to them. We’ll spend a lot of money to keep them healthy, and we’re devastated when they pass away. Unfortunately, while it seems most people laughed off the aforementioned viral tweet, too many people piled on the criticism of Ivanka Trump for giving her daughter a puppy. According to Newsweek, “Some Twitter users interpreted Trump's present to her eight-year-old daughter Arabella Rose Kushner as a sign the senior White House adviser prefers whiteness, like her father President Donald Trump has been accused of preferring.”

     No, it is Nordic hatred, pure and simple, and these people should be boldly told to jump in the lake. Speaking of craziness:

“Senator Cory Booker has boasted that “my testosterone sometimes makes me want” to punch the “elderly out-of-shape” Donald Trump. In an interview with Seth Meyers on Monday night, Senator Booker fantasized a scenario in which he was brutally assaulting the current President of the United States. “Donald Trump is a guy who you understand he hurts you, and my testosterone sometimes makes me want to feel like punching him, which would be bad for this elderly out-of-shape man that he is if I did that — this physically weak specimen,” Booker said howls of laughter from the audience. Breitbart.com reports: The fiercely heterosexual Booker, who is running for president, then tried to use that fantasy to signal his own virtue. Just after he earned all that audience laughter and applause for describing his fantasy about punching the president of the United States and engaging in outright body-shaming and ageism, Booker quickly humble-bragged about how he keeps his oh-so manly testosterone in check: But you see what I’m talking there? Even — that’s his tactics. And you don’t beat a bully like him fighting him on his tactics, on his terms, using his turf. He’s the body-shamer, he’s the guy that shows — tries to drag people in the gutter. And I — and this is a moral moment in America. And to me, what we need from our next leader, especially after the time of moral vandalism that we’re in right now, is we need a leader that’s not going to call us to the worst of who we are, but call us the best of who we are.”

     Tough talk indeed, but if Trump did a bit of Mixed Martial Arts training with our Viet Vet John Steele, he would probably still beat the likes of Booker. I dare say that even our own Mrs West, armed with her trusty rolling pin could teach this street punk, no, sorry, mistaken identity, a thing or two.



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