Fear Not the Walking Dead, but the Government! By Chris Knight (Florida)

This survey by Rasmussen reports that the majority of US voters, 74 percent, are concerned about the government spying on them, which in fact is done on an industrial scale. Beyond that there is another separate report, even more concerning, reflecting the woke socialism of the times, where Joe Biden gave a speech where he said that "There's no such thing as someone else's child. No such thing as someone else's child. Our nation's children are all our children." While in saner times, this would be taken as a rhetorical flourish, today in these global socialist times, it smacks of the Stalinist-Maoist line that children are the property of the state. And with Biden going for re-election, it hints of the bad things to come in the deconstruction of America, and the West. Australia too is not forgotten by the globalists.





“A majority of voters are worried that their government is spying on Americans – almost as much as they fear spying from foreigners.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 74% of Likely U.S. voters are concerned about the U.S. government spying on American citizens, including 49% who are Very Concerned. Only 25% aren’t concerned about domestic spying.”



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