Fear is the Foundation of Most Governments By James Reed

Bob Livingston Alerts, via email, are always good and thought provoking. He has recently sent out an email which is essentially an extended mediation upon a famous John Adams quote made in 1776: "Fear is the foundation of most governments." As he argues, with the Covid plandemic as a telling example, along with fear, the governments use deceit as well, lying to the population, often with a bare face, and laughing at their audacity.

We are seeing this at present in major aspects of the Australian Labor government policies, such as mass immigration, which is the highest it has been in the post-World War II world. This is generating a vast housing crisis, putting Aussies on the streets, but the government denies that immigration is a problem, and pushes the line that migrants bring wealth and hence create housing, in the longer term, and skills, eternally short, are always needed. Yes, but as John Maynard Keynes said: “But this long run is a misleading guide to current affairs. In the long run we are all dead. Economists set themselves too easy, too useless a task, if in tempestuous seasons they can only tell us, that when the storm is long past, the ocean is flat again.” 


“Fine-tuned propaganda protects the elite from the masses. Organized propaganda is used to dumb down the people, making them less able to think and rebel against the elite.

The "educated and professionals" are driven into blinding parameters that shut out or inhibit inquiry beyond their "professional pursuit." They are subjected to the same propaganda aimed at the masses with the same effect. Few escape, save those like you readers who have inquiring minds beyond establishment propaganda.

Since the few elite are vastly outnumbered, they have to rule by this type of deceit and manipulation. They are propaganda masters, and they can make the people believe any ridiculous or stupid thing that they can create in their inner sanctum.

When the system has advanced its goals beyond a point that would trigger revolt, they reveal quite clearly their system even in their own official publications. They actually incriminate themselves, but they do this knowing that few people will read their revelations and that even fewer care. The system knows when they are past the point to cause backlash or rebellion. It is difficult to get people to rebel against a system they are born into—no matter how oppressive it, in fact, is.

Aaron Russo in his brilliant movie creation showed clearly that the U.S. has moved from "Freedom to Fascism," but few people care because fascism is still sold to the people as democracy — a term that the masses still equate with human freedom.

You can see how the establishment protects itself, even in the face of exposure.

The rule is that the people are always manipulated against their best interest over time. This includes their very lives and their wealth.

If the word "democracy" is to be translated in today's world, it means that we embrace fascism just because it is wrapped in political altruism. There is no such thing as unmanipulated human freedom. In "patient gradualism" we are today looking at a United States that began over 200 years ago at the Constitutional Convention. The groundwork for statism and fascism started there.

But a total reversal of values takes a long time and, in many instances, several lifetimes. The concept of "patient gradualism" simply stated is that conspiracy committed over time becomes acceptable and even embraceable. In other words, we accept things wholesale that would have triggered a revolution in the many years past.

The ruling elite who control the government and the politicians calculate their goals to take years, surviving even the originators and creators of the esoteric blueprint of the New World Order. Planning is created and set up to be carried out and completed over generations. Meanwhile, we the people have short-term horizons. We do not think in terms of generations; hence, we cannot recognize patient gradualism as a phenomenon of world order.

Comes now to mind the men who created the Federal Reserve System in 1913. They have long since been dead; but their fellow bankers, symbiotic invisible government "public policy" creators, have carried on with all the wealth flowing to the system from the production and savings of the people.

The Federal Reserve paper money debt system was needed by the invisible elite to create wars and buy politicians. They also "buy" the propaganda to drive the public mind in any direction desired.

Propaganda is absolutely essential to the advancement of the New World Order. Otherwise, the Emperor would have no clothes. At the very least, we would know that they cost $20, as Lloyd Darland pointed out, for which he was arrested.

The entrenched system reveals its core philosophy and its paper money mechanism for human enslavement, an enslavement that imagines that it is free.

I quote now from "Money in Colonial New England," printed by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston in 1973, page 33, giving a monetary history debate in 1973. Note how current this is for today: "Many congressmen realized that paper money itself was nothing but a form of disguised taxation. Said one legislator, 'The natural unavoidable tax of depreciation is the most certain, expeditious, and equal tax that could be devised. Every possessor of (paper) money has paid a tax in proportion to the time he held it.'"

But for "patient gradualism" and the psychic acceptance over time, millions of Americans would despise and be horrified at the paper money system that is daily and even while they sleep, stealing their production and savings. We accept any sort of slavery if it comes about through "patient gradualism" over a long period of time.”




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