FBI’s Media Leak Strategy By Charles Taylor

There have been calls from leading conservative intellectuals to close down the FBI because it has become so corrupt. Here is some more evidence in support of that thesis.


“The text messages make clear that the senior executives and the Comey-McCabe FBI, those who had political bias were on first-name basis with reporters.

They had according to their own text messages a leak strategy and oftentimes they learned whether it was them leaking or someone else, they were creating a false Russia narrative, a narrative that they knew was blatantly false.

They knew they didn’t have a connection between Trump and Russia and they knew the Steele dossier was garbage and yet they continue today let the stories sit in public realm and create perception that for two and a half years hampered the early presidency of Donald Trump.”

The CIA is not much better.


“Former CIA Director John Brennan says he is “increasingly embarrassed” to be a white man.

The comment was made on MSNBC Monday, during a conversation about the weekend’s Conservative Political Action Conference, how the storming of the Capitol was interpreted, and the event’s focus on “cancel culture.”

Host Nicolle Wallace questioned how Republicans could proclaim themselves the law and order party in the aftermath of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick’s death following the Jan. 6 mayhem.

​“I’m increasingly embarrassed to be a white male these days with what I see other white males say,” Brennan said.

“With very few exceptions, like [Sen.] Mitt Romney, [Rep.] Liz Cheney, [Rep.] Adam Kinzinger, there are so few Republicans in Congress who value truth, honesty, and integrity,” he added.

Former President Donald Trump was greeted with a standing ovation as he took the stage in Orlando, Fla., to declare that  “our movement … is just getting started.”

“I stand before you today to declare that the incredible journey we began together four years ago is far from over,” Trump told the enthusiastic crowd.

“Our movement of proud, hard-working American patriots is just getting started,” he said. “And in the end we will win!”

While making clear that he intends to remain a force in the Republican Party, Trump hinted at a possible 2024 run for president.

Referring to Democrats, he said, “I may even decide to beat them for a third time,” drawing deafening cheers from attendees.

Former Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) noted that Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) at CPAC accused House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) of rejecting a request to have the National Guard ready before Jan. 6.

“I have never seen so many whiny white men calling themselves victims as I saw over the weekend at CPAC. These are all people that think they have a huge grievance from a position of significant privilege,” she said.

In a 2014 interview with the New York Times, then-CIA boss Brennan infamously defended the agency’s use of torture, following a scathing Senate report showing the practice did not produce valuable information and that the agency misled White House officials on that fact.

The Times reported Brennan saying at the time that “enhanced interrogation techniques” “had value,” despite it being “unknowable” whether useful information had been gleaned from it.



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