Fast Food and Pregnancy By Mrs Vera West

     An Australian study has revealed that the more women eat fast food rather than fruits and vegetables, the less fertile they become, and the less likely they will get pregnant via the old tried and proven method. The study looked at 5,598 women in the UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand, and found that a healthier diet increased fertility:  

     Here is a more detailed popular report, and I have included the URL of the scientific report, mainly because I am utterly amazed at how long it is. Why is it necessary to have anything that long? One’s fertility would decline just trying to type it, if one could not cut ‘n’ paste it! And, speaking of that, I tried to lift off the abstract which was loaded with statistical details, and all sorts of signs, but for some reason, my dying computer would not digest the mathematical salad, so you might need to go to the site if you need to indulge in symbolic feasting on this day:

     Imagine having that as a password! Perhaps it could be put on a T-shirt?



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