False Optimism as Dangerous as Defeatist Pessimism By Chris Knight (Florida)

Are you sick of losing yet? Natural New had run a type of QAnon line that Trump would save us at the last moment, but prophecy failed didn’t it? Consider:



“It’s truly fascinating. Many patriots, upon seeing Joe Biden sworn in on TV — nothing but a theatrical production, of course — have lost their minds and surrendered to defeat.

They had hoped that military arrests of Biden would occur on their desired schedule. Because if the timing of the world doesn’t match their expectations, they have a fit.

Oh, ye of little faith… is patience no longer a virtue?

I’ve seen freedom-oriented people unleashing vicious attacks today against SGT Report, X22 Report, RedPill78, Scott McKay and others. This is entirely undeserved, as all those channels are run by good faith people who have consistently done their level best to be transparent and honest in offering their informed views of where things are going.

The lashing out against well-meaning people only reveals the emotional immaturity of those doing the lashing. It shows that they were always weak and never really had the spine to hold the line in the first place. Sort of like Jeff Sessions or Mitch McConnell. The real patriots still fighting for America have no use for such weak-spirited individuals.

The real fight for America begins NOW

What happened today only underscores the fact that today the real fight for America begins, because we are now fighting for our very survival against a totalitarian, corrupt, criminal regime of treasonous actors and malicious, vengeful miscreants who openly call for us all to be arrested or executed on sight.

This is not the time to declare, “It’s over!” and run and hide. This is the time to steel yourself for the coming days and weeks on which the very fate of this nation may turn.

Do you really believe there were 65,000 heavily armed troops in DC merely to attend a mostly empty fake inauguration events that had virtually zero outside protesters?

Do you really think Trump abandoned his 80 million supporters and left them hanging in the wind with no plan in place to defeat the enemies of America?

Do you somehow think that God would bring us to this moment and utterly fail to offer us a solution that would protect those who recognize his ultimate authority?

Those of little faith are out in droves today, screaming, blaming, pouting in anger and rage. It is a pathetic sight, but it shows us much truth.

Those true patriots of great faith are doubling down on solutions to overcome tyranny, expose the fraud and move this nation out of darkness and into light, whether particular events support us on any given day or not.

Joe Biden is not your president, nor anyone’s president. The election was unconstitutional. The evidence is abundant. No person sworn in after an illegal election has any legitimate authority whatsoever. The truth will come out.

Admittedly, this is not a battle for the meek, or for the easily defeated. For some, it seems that today was just too much for them to emotionally bear. Trust me when I say this day was nothing compared to what’s coming.

As my Navy Seals friends like to say, “The only easy day was yesterday.”

Yes, it is right to call out those black pilled and collapsing in defeat. But, the real issue now is to work out what went wrong, and who is a traitor. There needs to be a critical look at Donald Trump, because he did in fact fail to act when he could have. Otherwise we are being set up for another loss, for his Patriot Party will go the same way. Not examining Trump’s failure is falling into a cult mentality of Trump worship and that has to be avoided if there is any hope of resistance to communist tyranny.     



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