False Honour for a Truly Evil Man, By Charles Taylor (Florida)
I have criticised George Soros at the blog, but not as much as I should, nor as much as other bloggers here. However, one more hard-hitting piece will not go astray. Thus, Dr Peter and Ginger Breggin have zeroed in with all that is wrong with President Biden awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom to George Soros. Soros is precisely the negation of the original spirit of such a medal: "Hungary's Prime Minister Victor Orbán, who has struggled to maintain his nation's freedom against the onslaught of the European Union and the global predators, has called George Soros "the Most Corrupt Man in the World." In making this accusation, Orbán ties into the theme of global empire-building that we have emphasized in our columns and our radio interviews—that men like Soros are part of the global predatory elite pushing the world toward a global empire or world governance in which their predations will have no restraints. Orbán declared, "Every attempt to unify Europe under the aegis of empire has failed. Thus, historical experience tells us that Europe will be great again if its nations become great again and resist all forms of imperial ambition."
In words that echo our views on global predators, Orbán further elaborated:
"Today the Soros network, which promotes a global open society and seeks to abolish national frameworks, is the greatest threat faced by the states of the European Union. The goals of the network are obvious: to create multi-ethnic, multicultural open societies by accelerating migration, and to dismantle national decision-making, placing it in the hands of the global elite."
Awarding the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom to a man who has frequently been called "the most evil in the world"—a man who outright supports Communist China ahead of America—makes unmistakably clear how the American Democratic and Progressive establishment has aligned itself for the evil of collectivism and against the Founding Principles and the very existence of the United States of America. If you read this column, you will come away with a deepened understanding of how America is being destroyed from within in order to allow globalism to march over our ruins on the way to ruling the world.
The 94-year-old George Soros has handed over his international network, the Open Society Foundations, to his son, Alexander Soros. Alexander Soros has announced that he plans to increasingly focus his enormous financial power and influence on the United States, where his father's organizations have already specialized in creating anarchy in the cities in order to facilitate the global governance. For many years, the $32 billion foundation has been preparing the world for globalism by destabilizing nations around the world. The foundation plays a major role in funding and training people for riots in American cities and in the election of woke mayors and district attorneys in cities who are catering to criminals, cracking down on law abiding citizens, encouraging sanctuary, and spending billions on lost progressive causes that often lead to massive homeless populations on the streets."
In truth, Soros deserve a special medal for tyrants.