Evil and Ugliness By Brian Simpson
In our culture, once upon a time, and to some degree the mythos still exists, goodness was associated with light, evil with darkness, something that must go back to our primal past. And, associated with this, is I think the recognition that evil people tend to be ugly. You can have a look at the villains at present on the US stage, you would not be wrong in taking most of them to be demons. A few days back a photo of one popular Left figure seemed to indicate growth deformities on her neck, leading to one wit writing that she was growing gills!
It was the philosopher Wittgenstein who said: “the human body is the best picture of the human soul.” Being a philosopher, he was probably meaning to advance materialism, but there is another mytho-poetic reading of this claim. You can get a rough idea of what most people are like by looking at their faces. Physically beautiful people tend to be better quality people, not always, but at a statistically significant level.
As the Nordic/Northern European sub-race has produced many archetypes of human beauty, it is obvious that a movement based up evil and ugliness would want to destroy them, to produce a world of uniform ugliness.