Evidence that Brett Kavanaugh Is Really Genghis Khan! By Charles Taylor

     In the latest false news development over the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court appointment, which has generated more US news coverage than any story in recent history, progressive Hollywood archaeologist Indiana Jones   has unearthed an ancient manuscript that clearly links notorious serial rapist Brett Kavanaugh with the man responsible for raping more women than any other oppressive male, the Mongol war lord Genghis Khan (1162-1227). It seems that an ancient Mongolian high school year book referred to the great warlord as “Brett the horny honey,” whose goal in life, after murdering and raping half of Eurasia, was to live long enough for America to be created, so that he could sexually assault women at an American high school dance. The Democrats are rejoicing about this tremendous find of the first piece of hard evidence against the Supreme Court nominee. The FBI are now investigating, and believe that Khan may actually be Vlad Putin in genetic disguise, attempting to molest the pure as the driven snow, US elections, once more. It seems that everybody is being molested by somebody today. Fatherly advice for young men in the dark night of the insane:

     An excellent system for home-schooling children, without killing the parent/teachers in the process, Dr Art Robinson explains the Robinson curriculum for escaping the putridity:

     This focusses on the basics done well, strong mathematics and science, strong English language, with writing and reasoning skills. Some students can get through basic calculus by the age of 16 years. When you think about it, much of school time is simply child care for undisciplined ferals and zombies, so removing children from the pc toxic wasteland has to be good.



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