Europe, the Birthplace of Mankind, Not Africa! By Brian Simpson

Europe was the birthplace of the human race, not Africa, contrary to the mainstream Out of Africa ideology. This ideology, used to foster one worldism, is challenged by two fossil found in Bulgaria and Greece, dated to 7.2 million years ago. This human ancestor, named, Graecopithecus freybergi, demonstrates that humans were evolving in Europe 200,000 years before the hominids of Africa. These beings lived on an open savannah, and this led to the evolution of bipedalism, to aid in finding food supplies. The dry and hard vegetation, led to Graecopithecus having wide molars with thick enamel.

“The split of our own clade from the Panini is undocumented in the fossil record. To fill this gap we investigated the dentognathic morphology of Graecopithecus freybergi from Pyrgos Vassilissis (Greece) and cf. Graecopithecus sp. from Azmaka (Bulgaria), using new μCT and 3D reconstructions of the two known specimens. Pyrgos Vassilissis and Azmaka are currently dated to the early Messinian at 7.175 Ma and 7.24 Ma. Mainly based on its external preservation and the previously vague dating, Graecopithecus is often referred to as nomen dubium. The examination of its previously unknown dental root and pulp canal morphology confirms the taxonomic distinction from the significantly older northern Greek hominine Ouranopithecus. Furthermore, it shows features that point to a possible phylogenetic affinity with hominins. Gfreybergi uniquely shares p4 partial root fusion and a possible canine root reduction with this tribe and therefore, provides intriguing evidence of what could be the oldest known hominin.”

Apart from this, a 210,000 year-old skull was discovered in a Greek cave, showing humans in Europe 150,000 years earlier than the establishment thought:,by%20more%20than%20150%2C000%20years%2C%20researchers%20said%20Wednesday.

Naturally, the out of Africa crowd dispute this, and as Kuhn has shown, paradigms seldom get refuted, just replaced when their champions age and die, and become fossils, if lucky. And, these extra time periods explain the numerous discoveries that I have covered, such as the world’s oldest calander in Europe, and other achievements, not made in the Middle East. It is time to put to rest the ideology that Europeans are late-starters in human development, as much as it may support agendas such as the Great Replacement.





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