Electoral Fraud in Action, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The US network ABC jumped the start gun and showed the no doubt cooked election results for Pennsylvania, with Harris crushing Trump, 52 to 47 percent. But then they said, oops, it was an error. Of course it was: https://www.skynews.com.au/world-news/united-states/us-network-abc-mistakenly-airs-election-results-declaring-kamala-harris-winner-of-pennsylvania/news-story/2aa1cca9be51c08b5a6809d2d15ed83d

A Chinese student who is not a US citizen voted illegally in Ann Arbor, but the vote will still count, as the officials say that they cannot trace back the vote. So, if Harris wins there by one vote, that will swing the election, in principle. https://www.amren.com/news/2024/10/chinese-student-to-face-criminal-charges-for-voting-in-michiga

In fact, non-citizens, known to support the Democrats, are allowed to vote, quite against the law, because the rule of law does not exist for voting, so long as it favours the Democrats. This is a system that has hit rock bottom, and it is shameful the conservatives are so weak as to put up with this. A Great Divorce is needed, now, even if Trump wins.


"One of the things that everyone is discussing this election cycle is non-citizens voting in federal elections. Some folks ("progressives," Democrats, various "wok"' types, and leftists) claim that it does not occur. Or, if it does, it's extremely rare and is so insignificant that it does not affect election outcomes.

These arguments are false. First of all, no serious audits have even been conducted on elections (of which I'm aware). This is an absurdity as every single ballot that is cast can be matched to a registered voter — and should be. The voter can be contacted to verify that they did cast a ballot. Random sampling can easily show if it is a problem. However, the same folks arguing that it does not happen have blocked every attempt to clean up voter rolls and require ID. Funny coincidence. Every illegal and/or fraudulent vote nullifies a valid one, and in races where the margins are tight, this is of the utmost importance. Everyone knows this, so the arguments are disingenuous at best.

Recently, there have been many court battles and stories in the news about non-citizens being removed from the voter rolls. In most cases the numbers are suspiciously low and any reasonable person could conclude that they are a fig leaf, done only for the purpose of being able to say that something was done as opposed to a serious effort.

Anecdotal and physical evidence as to the magnitude of this problem has been growing. My personal experience with this dates back to 2000 when Bush was running against Snore. At that time I was working in technology management and one of my employees was a naturalized U.S. citizen. His wife, a German, was not, though she did have a green card. Even though she had been in the U.S. for over 10 years, she did not become a citizen — in fact she loudly proudly proclaimed that she was not a U.S. citizen. She, like lots of Euro-lefties, despised the USA due to her objections to many American policies and institutions. Like many Germans at the time, she solidly embraced a socialist agenda and so was all in for the Democrat party. To her, conservatives were the root of all evil and the solution was an East German type of nanny state; proof that national socialism is a leftist phenomenon. Thankfully, it seems that the European Gen Z and millennials are rejecting that illness.

Most of the time when she would launch into her diatribes, folks ignored her, but that changed when the election season began. She was enraged that Bush was running against Gore and loudly declared that "I am going to vote for Gore" and started to exhort everyone to do the same.

Knowing that she was not a citizen I finally confronted her about voting. At first she said that it was not illegal. With just a little research I was able to prove her wrong. That didn't matter; she laughed it off and told me that she had voted in every election since she got her green card.

With several adult beverages in her, she proceeded to gleefully outline her participation over more than a decade. But the worst part came when she added that every non-citizen that she knew (and it was several hundred) also voted in most major elections too.

I was horrified and I know several others in earshot were as well. Many of them also told her it was illegal and wrong. Her response was the same that we hear today from many leftists: the result is what is important and they are morally obligated to do it by any means necessary. The end justifies the means.

I was outraged. I told her that if she voted, I would report her. In those days, it was still taken a bit seriously and was a real threat. Felony convictions could result in a deportation and a revocation of her green card status. Nowadays? I probably would have had a thousand Antifa rioting at my home and she would be an instant hero to the lefties. Non-citizens and illegal aliens now get away with murder (literally) and certainly have no reason to fear criminal proceedings.

That type of activity was occurring in 2000, which means it's certainly occurring today in much larger amounts. It's pretty clear that these votes do not reflect conservative values and even if they do become citizens, they probably vote the same as they did when they did so illegally.

It is disingenuous to believe that the government does not know who is and who is not a citizen in the United States. Almost every person born here has a birth certificate, which is registered, and everyone is issued a social security number. Despite leftist claims to the contrary, everyone can easily get a photo ID. You must have one to drive, work, buy alcohol or tobacco, rent anything, stay at a hotel, etc., etc., etc. The list is almost endless. Photo ID is a fact of life. Period.

Common sense says that if photo ID were required to register and vote, there would be no fake, duplicate or illegal votes cast. And the results could be audited for accuracy to prevent harvesting and other travesties.

With over 25 million illegals and the "legal" parolees (Haitians, H1B, etc.) we probably have approximately 40 to 50 million folks living in the United States who are not eligible to vote in elections. If only 10% vote, that is 5 million votes or an average of 100,000 votes per state. More than enough to throw the election in many states.

Recent news stories have shown that states that are seriously cleaning up their voter rolls have been removing tens of thousands of erroneous voter registrations, so clearly there are quite a bit of fake, duplicate, and illegal voters registered.

Any logical person can see this, so why do the progressives continue with their narratives? Are they really that stupid or do they think we are? Obviously, it is because the corruption benefits them. Hopefully, it will be addressed early in the next administration or we will be doomed to repeat the same flawed and broken results that have plagued us for at least a quarter of a century."

Anyway, voting will not matter after next week; we enter yet another




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