Either a Conspiracy, or Case of Never Let a Misery Go to Waste! By Brian Simpson

In my take on the UK government clamping down of social media posts that critical of immigration, even with polls showing that the majority of British believe that mass immigration is a problem producing the sorts of crime leading to the riots, I note how convenient it all is. We saw Scotland rollin its own hate legislation sometime back with massive push back. But it in in and will be used to control the White population who dared to protect. Likewise for the present UK situation.

The smoking gun in this is the main attack is upon Elon Musk who called a spade a spade on this. The lamestream media have been blaming social media, especially Elon Musk's X for this problem, rather than the migrants doing the killing and raping. The Left-wing Guardian newspaper, ever supportive of mass immigration and the multicultural mess that Britain is, with columnist and BBC presenter Jonathan Freedland, pronounced on Friday: "If the UK authorities truly want to hold accountable all those who unleashed riots and pogroms in Britain, they need to go after Elon Musk." "Lies can indeed kill and, though there are of course many others, one of the world's most prolific enemies of truth is Elon Musk. He is surely the global far right's most significant figure, and he holds the world's largest megaphone. As he may put it, a battle to defeat him is now inevitable – and it has to be won."

The globalist plan seems to be that Kamala Harris will be put in as president by crook or by more crook, and she and the UK fascist regime will move to control all such speech, across the West. Elon, if you have any spare money from all your billions, now is the time to bankroll Donald Trump. Global tyranny is just around the corner. And be sure Albo and the New Zealand crowd will be eager to join forces to stamp out anything that is to the Right of Marx.


"Establishment media in Britain, in an apparent attempt to deflect from the underlying issues facing the UK, have sought to blame social media for the anti-mass migration riots while urging the government to enact more stringent censorship measures.

Elon Musk, social media, and "disinformation" are the true culprits — legacy media outlets have argued — for the protests and riots that broke out across the country after three young girls were killed in a mass stabbing by an alleged second-generation migrant from Rwanda.

In an article for the left-wing Guardian newspaper, columnist and BBC presenter Jonathan Freedland pronounced on Friday: "If the UK authorities truly want to hold accountable all those who unleashed riots and pogroms in Britain, they need to go after Elon Musk.

The Guardian writer claimed that the Tesla chief had made X "a safe space for racism and hate almost as soon as he bought it," pointing to the reinstatement of banned personalities like Tommy Robinson and Andrew Tate.

"Lies can indeed kill and, though there are of course many others, one of the world's most prolific enemies of truth is Elon Musk. He is surely the global far right's most significant figure, and he holds the world's largest megaphone. As he may put it, a battle to defeat him is now inevitable – and it has to be won," Freedland wrote

He suggested that if Kamala Harris is elected as U.S. president in the autumn, British Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer should work with the White House to implement a global clampdown on so-called disinformation.

Former Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger, writing for the Independent website, described Musk as an "arsonist with a huge box of matches" while claiming that "regulation has, to date at least, not done much to curb Musk's enthusiasm for amplifying lies and hatred on his platform."

This is a problem that can no longer be ignored," Rusbridger asserted, adding: "But we can fight to insist on some basic boundaries in digital spaces."


A Belfast judge has held that anybody present at a riot will be remanded in custody, even if they were only a "curious observer." 



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