Eco-Chaplains! The New World Order Religion of Climate Change, By James Reed

Psychological bunk comes in trends and crazes, like people's fetishes for popular culture, such as what passes now as music. Thus, regarding climate change, we now have the totally socially constructed psychological phenomenon of climate grief, which generally rich White kids now find they have. They are in despair for the climate, the planet, whatever. Of course, people in the Third World, struggling to deal with getting enough food, and mildly clean water, do not have the ample leisure time to have such trendy worries.

So, with eco-grief now comes eco-chaplains, who will help decadent youth deal with their pseudo pain. "Today, there are chaplains working at the intersection of climate, grief and spirituality in the United States, Great Britain, Australia and Canada. Most develop their own ways of addressing the issue, from one-on-one therapy sessions to online climate grief circles and in-person support groups." There are not too many people practicing this yet, but no doubt as the New World Order system turns up the climate change heat in schools and universities, the kids will be falling in the streets ready for the eco-chaplains to lay down their healing hands on their gentle brains, so willing always to be brainwashed.

"National Public Radio has a new story out this week about 'Eco-Chaplains' who are apparently tasked with helping people work through their 'climate grief' whatever that is.

If you needed any further proof that Climate Change is a religion for the left, this is pretty much a confirmation.

Isn't it great that our tax dollars subsidize this hard-hitting journalism?

'Eco-chaplains' are helping individuals process their 'climate grief': NPR report.

A new spiritual movement is growing, one designed to help people deal with their negative feelings about the planet being threatened by climate change. That's according to a report from NPR.

Dubbed "eco-chaplains," these novel spiritual leaders are being trained to meet a growing need to address "grief, anxiety and burnout" over environmental problems.

"Today, there are chaplains working at the intersection of climate, grief and spirituality in the United States, Great Britain, Australia and Canada. Most develop their own ways of addressing the issue, from one-on-one therapy sessions to online climate grief circles and in-person support groups," NPR reported.

The report noted how eco-chaplaincy is a 21st century invention, with less than 100 people believed to be practicing it in the western world. Multiple organizations have begun to train individuals in a type of eco-therapy "from Buddhist, Christian, Jewish and secular perspectives."

How is this even real?

We may have a more serious mental health crisis in the country than most people realize." 



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