Donald Trump Jr Versus v Home Affairs Minister, Clare O’Neil: The Real Nasty Leftism of the Labor Party By James Reed

One wonders if the present president’s son, Hunter Biden came to Australia on a speaking tour about say, the best cocaine to snort in the White House, would he be given the same treatment that was delivered to Donald Trump Jr, President Trump’s son? According to social media posts by the Home Affairs Minister, Trump’s tour was cancelled due to poor ticket sales. This was denied by the Trump side who said ticket sales were fine, but the government, as they usually do to figures they do not like, produced visa delays. It is all easy to document.


Anyway, those social media posts were withdrawn, as the government got cold feet, fearing that it could affect future US/Australia relations. It is problematic that that a government figure attacks a private foreign citizen anyway. Yes, if Donald Trump gets in and China war begins, I hope that team Trump will remember this incident.

“Donald Trump Junior has accused Labor of attempting to silence conservative voices after he was forced to postpone the Australian leg of his speaking tour due to visa delays and was subsequently mocked on social media by the Home Affairs Minister. 

Trump Jr, 45, said he had sold 8,000 tickets to his events in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane before they were abruptly cancelled due to a delay in his visa application to enter Australia this week. 

Home Affairs Minister Clare O'Neil took to Twitter just after midday on Thursday posting a series of tweets in which she labelled Trump Jnr a "sore loser" and a "big baby", and claimed his tour had been axed due to poor tickets sales rather than visa processing times.

The Prime Minister's office reportedly stepped in and directed Ms O'Neil to delete the posts amid suggestions the rant could potentially jeopardise Australia's position in the trilateral AUKUS agreement

But Trump Jr hit back on Friday calling Ms O'Neil a "coward" and claimed her comments perpetuated "fake news" - as he laid the blame squarely on the Albanese government for the postponement of his tour. 

"The tyrannical Left doesn't believe people have the right to freedom of expression and will do anything to shutdown conservative voices, but we will not bow down to them," he told Daily Mail Australia. 

"If Minister Clare O'Neil isn't too much of a coward to leave her left wing safe space, I'd be happy to invite her to attend any of the events that we put on.

"You never know, maybe she'll learn a thing or two about the importance of freedom of speech and diversity of thought."

He suggested Labor was trying to censor him, insisting the government had taken its time approving his visa in the lead up to his scheduled arrival.

Delayed visa processing times had been blamed for the pushback, but the government on Thursday dismissed claims saying Trump Jr’s visa application was approved in time.

"I want to be really clear about this, I don’t share many of Mr Trump’s views but that is entirely irrelevant to my decision-making. He is entitled to express them if he meets the requirement of the Migration Act," Immigration Minister Andrew Giles.

Ms O'Neil just before midday on Thursday went rogue and posted a string of tweets about the issue.

"Geez, Donald Trump Jr is a bit of a sore loser. His dad lost an election fair and square - but he says it was stolen. Now he's trying to blame the Australian Government for his poor ticket sales and cancelled tour," she wrote in now-deleted Twitter posts.

The Home Affairs Minister added: "Donald Trump Jr has been given a visa to come to Australia. He didn't get cancelled. He's just a big baby, who isn't very popular."

On Friday morning Education Minister Jason Clare appeared alongside Nationals Senator Bridget McKenzie on Sunrise where they were both asked to weigh in on Ms O'Neil's tweets.

"Clare has deleted the tweets, I think that’s the right thing to do. We don’t always get it right and I think Clare’s recognised that," Mr Clare said.

But Ms McKenzie argued for an apology due to Australia and the United States' close relationship, adding his father Donald Trump could likely become the Republican candidate for the 2024 Presidential Election and possibly leader of the free world again.

"Name calling senior people, potentially could be future president’s son... in this sort of adolescent juvenile way does require an apology," the Nationals Senator told Sunrise.

"We have a serious relationship with the United States and I find that quite juvenile. I don’t think deleting is enough."

Trump Jnr has vowed to reschedule his tour, which promised to dissect "the disease of woke identity politics and cancel culture".

His promoter Turning Point Australia said 8,000 tickets had been sold across the three cities, with seats costing as much as $2,500 all snapped up.

It advised ticketholders the tour was "postponed" but new dates will be announced in "coming days". Those unable to attend will be given a full refund.”

We will see how the entire grab bag of the Left goes if World War III kicks in.




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