Doctors Condemning the Covid Vaxxes, By Brian Simpson

The first doctor to be mentioned today condemning the mRNA vaccines and their continued use is Professor Angus Dalgleish, speaking on Sky News Australia:

"Many everyday Australians who were used to consuming mainstream media were stunned today as Professor Angus Dalgleish appeared in a 10-minute segment on Sky News Australia, discussing the controversial topic of mRNA vaccines—an area that mainstream media has avoided for years.

Professor Dalgleish, a renowned oncologist and Principal of the Institute of Cancer Vaccines and Immunotherapy, took the stage with stark revelations about the COVID-19 pandemic and its handling. From lockdowns to mask and vaccine mandates, he pointed out critical missteps made by governments worldwide, except for Sweden, which stood firm under the guidance of Anders Tegnell.

Dalgleish minced no words in criticizing the hasty implementation and widespread use of mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna. He expressed grave concerns about these vaccines, stating, "these vaccines were not vaccines, particularly the ones that ended up after AstraZeneca with all the clots and they were shut down. But the messenger RNA vaccines of Pfizer and Moderna have caused unbelievable problems and damage to people, and I don't think we will ever really be able to get over that!" This comment echoes the silent worries many have harbored about these vaccines, casting doubt on their safety and efficacy.

According to Dalgleish, the initial response was flawed right from the start. He claimed, "this virus escaped from the laboratory," and stressed the genetic uniqueness of the virus that suggested manipulation. He criticized peers and government leaders for sidelining early warnings, including the prediction of side effects due to the vaccine's similarity with human proteins.

He also tackled the immense issue of quality control, revealing that between trials and public rollouts, "the mechanism of manufacturing" changed, leading to a vaccine "full of (DNA) contaminants." Such lapses, he argued, potentially contributed to persistent excess deaths globally, including many linked to cancer, which he described as "turbo cancers.". This phenomenon have been seen across the world from high vaccinated countries such as Japan, UK and Singapore."

The second doctor to mention is Dr. Richard Urso, who questions everything, Covid:

"Everything was a lie from the beginning. The asymptomatic people don't transmit. Kids were not harbingers of the disease. They don't actually, they're like a break on the disease. Lockdowns were a farce. Masks don't work."

"I tell people, I joke sometimes I say masks do work. A lot like bathing suits work to keep pee out of the pool. They're not very effective. So that's one of those things that, you know, it was a farce. Pretty much everything they said was a farce. I know we're still recovering from it. Just yesterday we walked into a pharmacy and they were advertising COVID-19 vaccines."

"Well if you want to destroy your immune system, take a COVID-19 vaccine. It will destroy your immune system. It distributes widely in your body. It can't be broken down because it's a genetically modified RNA. There are contaminants, process related impurities, what I usually call them, but contaminants for most people, that they haven't gotten out of the vaccines."

"The drug that I invented took eight years for us to get the process related impurities out. It's hard to do and I knew this would be a problem early on when they were trying to push this so fast because nobody had ever made these vaccines in anything bigger than a blender. What we had is found is even worse."

"They put an SV40 promoter in the vaccine, Pfizer did, that actually well known for the last five decades to bind P53 to Guardian the genome and cause cancers. They know that. We just kept them in the head of the Human Genome Project did this discovery with a few other molecular biologists."

"This is really big news because the contaminants and the impurities in the vaccine are very dangerous and there's design flaws like I just pointed out. Wide distribution to the brain, the bone marrow, the ovaries, the testes and long term production six months or more in the last study that we did. So there's a lot to talk about. Do not get the vaccines unless you just want a crummy immune system. "

"I think the main thing is these vaccines are dangerous. They have process related impurities. They cause cancer, strokes, heart attacks. The data is in 40% more deaths in 2021 between 18 to 64. This is just data we can't ignore, so please stay away from the vaccines."

It is unfortunate that social blackmail, and misguided trust led to so many billions of humanity receiving the spike proteins, that may still be in their body, doing all of the above harms. We hope that Covid justice will be delivered to all those who did this crime against humanity.



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