Diversity has Made California, the Bottom of the Barrel By Charles Taylor

     Diversity, we are endless told is our “strength” and makes us better than homogeneous societies, although the idea of “better’ is racist, so the multiculturalists never follow through the logical conclusion of their own argument.
    However, there are many test cases of the diversity thesis, and California is one acid test:

“California ranks dead last among U.S. states in quality of life, according to a study by U.S. News, ranking behind New Jersey (49th) and Indiana (48th). The ignominious honor reflects California’s low marks in the sub-categories of environmental quality and social engagement. The latter category measures voting participation and community bonds. Californians scored poorly in part because they’re simply insufferable, U.S. News suggested.”

     That is no explanation at all; if anything the real reason is because California is not only majority non-white, but is a socialist enclave. These factors are sufficient to pull any state down. As noted here, diversity and assimilation are incoherent ideals:

“In a recent book, Catholiques et Identitaires, the young Julien Langella has described “assimilationism” as another facet of multiculturalism. Both the Left and the cuckservative Right aim to mix the races and create a new “superman”— brown, rootless and without identity: the perfect consumer. The Left is pushing multiculturalism to achieve this goal, and the Right, aware of the many flaws of the multiculti, has been proposing assimilation.

The existing political spectrum offers two supposedly different alternatives, but they are merely two faces of the same coin. We must refuse that false and empty choice, which inevitably leads to our dispossession and the Great Replacement. Assimilation of newcomers is a smoke screen to make the pill easier to swallow for a population increasingly critical of mass immigration.”

     Diversity is the major cause of the collapse of civilisations, making the maintenance of social order, increasingly difficult, until it becomes impossible and the life blood of the nation drains into the sands of history.



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