Diversity “Enrichment” by Fire, By Charles Taylor (Florida)
One of the suspects suspected of arson causing the LA towering inferno, was an illegal Mexican, Juan Manual Sierra Leyva, a convicted felon from Mexico. But he is not being charged with arson, but is being put in the illegal migrant circus, probably to be released to terrorise the community once more:
The looters that have been arrested have had their mug shots released, and all, every single one of them, is either Black or Hispanic, no Whites, and all are from outside the area. Many used scooters to buzz around seeing what they could steal.
"Santa Monica PD tells me they've arrested 10 burglary suspects in #PalisadesFire evacuation zones since the fire began, none of whom live in Santa Monica. Six had burglary tools with them, one pair had the Watch Duty app open on their phone to track evac zones. SMPD says they were able to stop these attempted burglaries before they were carried out. Details & booking photos for four suspects below, per
I'm told 29-year-old JOSHUA KALIEL LOVE (grey shirt), was spotted in a Santa Monica apartment breezeway, and ran. After a brief foot chase, SMPD says he was caught and found to be in possession of a dagger, a window breaking tool, a mask, gloves, and narcotics. He was on probation, and has been charged w/ attempted burglary.
I'm told 22-year-old MIGUEL ANGEL DORANTES and 18-year-old DOMINIC PACHECOMANGA (black & white shirts) were in a van together, and were pulled over by SMPD after they ran a stop sign. SMPD says they were unable to provide ID, and had the Watch Duty app opened on their phone, which they claimed they were using to track fire acreage. After a search of the van. SMPD found burglary tools, ski masks, gloves and bags. Both arrested for attempted burglary.
I'm told 27-year-old GABRIEL ISAIH STOKES (navy hoodie) was pulled over by SMPD after an auto plate reader got a hit on the car he was driving as stolen out of Hawthorne, CA. SMPD says he had a stolen California ID, as well as other fraudulent IDs, burglary tools, a ski mask and black beanie, and large bags. He had priors for burglary, robbery, and grand theft. Charged in this incident with grand theft & false impersonation.
Overall, SMPD says they've arrested 39 people in evacuation zones since the start of the fire, none of whom live in Santa Monica. Those not charged w/ attempted burglary were picked up for curfew violations, drug possession, warrants, probation violations, etc. Most of the attempted burglary charges were via PC 459.
SMPD says there were two successful burglaries where suspects got away, and those cases are under active investigation.
And another not-so-shocking turn of events is that many of the looters look exactly as you'd expect them to."