Dilbert Creator Says, after November, You Will Probably be Dead! By Chris Knight

     Scott Adams, the creator of the comic strip Dilbert, has Tweeted that mass death is coming to America. He does not say exactly how, but from recent events, it will probably involve Biden acting to eliminate the police, disarm the White deplorables, probably arm the urban terrorists, then let them loose in urban predation. Any whites defending themselves will be arrested by the remaining police who will be more like a paramilitary force like in Maoist China, and will either be marched off to concentration camps, or just shot in the back of the head on the spot.

Scott Adams

Jul 1
If Biden is elected, there's a good chance you will be dead within the year.


“Now, hordes of these cretins have taken control of the streets, and the only pushback is the president cowering in the White House, tweeting “LAW & ORDER!” Yes, Churchill retreated to a basement, too—in Whitehall, where he planned a war that saved the world. He didn’t tweet out “HITLER! BAD!” For 3 1/2 years, antifa was never punished for anything it did. To the contrary, they were praised. Private citizens who fought back were defamed as “white supremacists” and imprisoned. Hundreds of masked antifa traveled interstate to riot at Trump’s inauguration, breaking windows, assaulting Trump supporters, burning stretch limousines and smashing the windows of SUVs—including Larry King’s! As a result, more than 200 of the rioters were placed under “arrest,” (a police technique in use at the time). Prosecutors had mounds of evidence, including video, undercover agents and law enforcement witnesses. But D.C. judges Lynn Leibovitz and Robert E. Morin made sure almost all charges were dropped. Only one rioter, facing 70 years for felony rioting and assault on a cop, served any time in prison. Judge Leibovitz suspended all but four months of his sentence. No congressional push to impeach the antifa-friendly judges, no separate federal prosecutions of the out-of-state rioters, no segments about this outrage on Fox News. When Yiannopoulos was to speak at Berkeley in February 2017, 1,500 protesters, including more than 100 antifa, set fires, smashed windows and threw rocks. In reaction to this, Berkeley punished Milo and canceled the speech. (Not to brag, but 2,000 antifa tried to shut down my Berkeley speech last fall but it went off without a hitch! This was mostly thanks to the Bay Area Proud Boys. Hahaha, antifa!) There was only one arrest. Soon, Milo was completely deplatformed and disinvited by the toothless, collaborationist CPAC.

President Trump responded to the Berkeley riots by sending in the National Guard to protect free speech at a public university. JUST KIDDING! He tweeted: “If U.C. Berkeley does not allow free speech and practices violence on innocent people with a different point of view—NO FEDERAL FUNDS?” … and then of course did nothing. Positively Churchillian! That was at least better than Sens. Mitt Romney and Marco Rubio, who praised antifa for raining violence on protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August 2017. The senators called the masked psychotics anti-fascist, apparently unaware that by “fascist,” antifa means them. Can anyone remember what that protest was about? Oh yes, the tearing down of a Confederate statue. No punishment. Heaps of praise. Lesson learned. In 2018, the night before Vice magazine founder McInnes gave a speech at the Metropolitan Republican Club on the Upper East Side, antifa smashed the club’s historic windows and spray-painted the anarchist “A” on the front door. Sadly for antifa, when they showed up to shut down the event the next day, they were met by McInnes’ Proud Boys—a multiracial social club for patriotic men who don’t mind a good scrap. The speech went off, the attendees were protected, and the Proud Boys walked away. But antifa loons circled back for a sneak attack, hurling a bottle of urine at the Proud Boys. Although well outnumbered, the Proud Boys proceeded to kick skinny antifa butt. (Only the antifa girls are fat.)

Guess who was prosecuted? The Proud Boys—by Manhattan D.A. Cyrus Vance Jr., the same guy who allowed Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein to wantonly rape women and girls in his jurisdiction, year after year.
Two Proud Boys are sitting in prison right now, sentenced to four years for fighting back. McInnes himself was thrown off every social media platform and forced to announce that he was stepping down from the Proud Boys. Not one antifa was even arrested. NYPD: Oh darn. We couldn’t catch them. (Hey—maybe send the Proud Boys next time!) But I’m sure you’ve heard all about it on Fox News and other conservative—oh no, wait, you haven’t heard about this from anyone. Democrats used our majestic system of justice to shield antifa from any private citizen who fights back. Not one elected Republican, including our bad-ass president, lifted a finger to defend McInnes and the Proud Boys. Conservative sunshine patriots said to themselves: Those guys have tattoos! They like to fight! I’m a “constitutional conservative”! The left has been laying the groundwork for this anarchist takeover for a long time. But even they must be amazed that the conservative response was to roll over and play dead. Except maybe they’re not playing.”

     Conservatives have a hard time coming to grips with the fact that the system is not theirs, that they are not citizens, but subjects in a prison, with no real rights at all, and that we are in the middle of a cultural war as dangerous as anything humans have been in. But, never have a people walked around blind folded as our side does today, sitting ducks, passive and oblivious to their coming fate of annihilation.



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