Did the CIA Kill Former Beatle John Lennon? Why Should We Care? By Chris Knight (Florida)

I would not be surprised if the CIA or some other dark and sinister murderous US Deep State organisation knocked off John Lennon, former Beatle in December 1980. I just assumed that if someone troublesome to the state gets murdered, then they were politically assassinated. However, I did not know details about the doorman who was at the Dakota’s entrance when the murder of Lennon took place. The guy was Jose (Sanjenis) Perdomo, a trained assassin who killed for the CIA! It seems incredible that such a person was the doorman, filling in for the usual guy who just happened to be sick on that night. I am no fan of Lennon the man or musician, but I do not support people being murdered in cold blood. It always struck me as something terribly odd about the Mark Chapman killing, and why the doorman did nothing. I mention all this because the stakes are now much higher with the Covid New World Order than it was for Lennon leading a new anti-war movement. There have already been threats made to most of the leaders of the Covid critique movement, but as yet, no murders. But as seen with the January 6 peaceful protests, the Deep state will kill when they need to.


Darryl Deller


“I totally agree with your sentiment and I’m sure Lennon’s killer would have felt the same way. In the darkness of the Dakota’s entranceway there were only two people that either witnessed or were actually involved in the shooting. Let me tell you a little about the second person, the night porter. The identity of the night doorman was kept from the public and he was just referred to as ‘the night porter’ in reports of the shooting until an investigative journalist found out who he was and released his details. The 'fill-in' night porter, who was there ‘on the spot’ at the time of Lennon’s killing was the one and only Jose (Sanjenis) Perdomo. He had been the Chief of the Secret Service in Cuba under during President Carlos Prio Socarras, than became a CIA veteran, working for CIA/Miami station in the early 1960s. He also recruited most of the members of Operation 40 (a CIA assassination squad most of whom were Cubans) in fact he was actually the number one exile in the AMOT organization trained and prepared by David Sánchez Morales and he was the control officer that CIA assigned to Frank Sturgis. He was a trained assassin who had killed on behalf of the CIA and just happened to be there, on the spot, when John Lennon was gunned down. Was the gun that was identified actually the gun that Chapman had or could it have been switched at the scene for a gun used by Perdomo? Just wondering? And what kind of experienced assassin at the end of their career becomes a 'fill in ' night porter? I mean.. REALLY? .. Makes you wonder…….”




Salvador Astucia

The topic of Jose Perdomo has always been extremely sensitive
on this newsgroup (rec.music.beatles) for some reason.
As many of you know, Jose Perdomo was the doorman at the
Dakota on the night John Lennon was murdered. What you may
not know is Perdomo's name was withheld from the public for
six years after Lennon's murder.

The following is a summary (Chapter 4 from my book,
"Rethinking John Lennon's Assassination...") of how
I was attacked on r.m.b. for discussing Perdomo too
aggressively in the spring of 2003:

"Chapter 4: FBI Surveillance on the Internet"

Recently I discovered that someone named Jose Perdomo
was a member of Brigade 2506 during the Bay of Pigs
Invasion in 1961, a failed CIA operation to overthrow
Fidel Castro. Perdomo's full name was Jose Joaquin
Sanjenis Perdomo, but he used his middle names,
Joaquin Sanjenis, as an alias. He also called himself
Sam Jenis. It was learned that Sanjenis worked closely
with convicted Watergate burglar Frank Sturgis
(deceased) for about ten years on the CIA's payroll,
running "Operation 40," a black ops unit that
performed assassinations, among other things.

This new information about Sanjenis introduces the
very real possibility that Sanjenis may have been
Lennon's true killer.

Sanjenis's background is described in the following

Jose Joaquin Sanjenis Perdomo, Lennon's true assassin(?)
Salvador Astucia





I am not making any claims of murder here, merely quoting material in the public domain, but I found the hypothesis tantalizing. If it was all a coincidence, it sure looks like a conspiracy.




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