Dhimmitude in Germany By Richard Miller

     The term “dhimmitude” refers to the existence of non-Muslims living under an Islamic system, as Germany and much of Europe is fast becoming:

     Part of the alleged dhimmitude social contract, that the Left think exists, is that if they defend Islam, they will get cool positions in the new regime. Hence the following;

“German radio broadcaster Deutschlandfunk Kultur has claimed that the Islamic holy month of Ramadan is not only an “old German custom” but that it had been celebrated in the country longer than Oktoberfest. In an article, journalist Eren Güvercin claims that Ramadan is a thoroughly German holiday and that there is no question that Islam belongs to Germany. Güvercin maintains that the practice is older the Oktoberfest, also known in Bavaria as Wiesn. While he provides no evidence for his assertion, the earliest Wiesn celebrations are thought to have been held on 12 October 1810 to celebrate the marriage of Prince Ludwig, later King Ludwig I, and Princess Therese of Saxony-Hildburghausen. The oldest mosque in Germany, by contrast, was built in Berlin in 1915 and was discoveredby an archaeological team in 2015. The mosque, which was made of wood, was thought to have been intended for Muslim prisoners of war as it was built inside a World War One-era prison camp.”

Ok, the numbers do not add up. Bad error there. As the West is disassembled, deconstructed and dismantled, one can expect to see more of this sort of historical revisionism. When laws prevent any criticism of anything of any politically correct ethnic or cool group, expect the process of change to accelerate beyond recognition. What a pity that we always leave it so late to do anything. I don’t like the drunk Churchill, but he made sense when he said: “If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

     The real question for Western man, if whether Joe Sixpack and Ms Sue Womyns Study, will fight even then? If they are at all influenced by the Left they will regard perishing as an improvement to the universe. Old Winnie did not anticipate that one.



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