Deflating the Transgender Agenda, By Mrs Vera West

British paediatrician Hillary Cass, OBE, has published her report, "Independent Review of Gender Identity Services for Children and Young People to the National Health Service (NHS) of the United Kingdom." Based upon a comprehensive review of the literature, the report concluded that there is "remarkably weak evidence" on the issues of efficacy and safety of hormone and puberty blocker interventions. Consequently, "extreme caution," should be undertaken dealing with children reporting with alleged cases of gender dysphoria.

As well Dr Cass was concerned about the pressure that was being applied by doctors, the medical profession, and various entities such as the media and universities, remoting the idea that impressionable youth who are gender confused need to undertake realignment treatments and surgeries. There have been numerous cases of young people doing this, only to regret it later. And as well, studies show that most young people who experience gender confusion grow out of it.

As detailed below, there is a clear political agenda at operation here, one which fits into a general globalist, neo-Marxist pattern that we have seen with other adventures, such as Covid. 



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