Death to America By Chris Knight

     When it gets going, the American communist revolution will be a mixture of the French Revolution, and the Russia one; antifa are already getting out all of the violent symbols of the past “glorious revolutions,” as they prepare for bloodshed. Will the average lamb hop and skip to the slaughter, to become lamb chops? Maybe.

“Now the mask is off and the Democrats are telling us exactly what they have planned for America. In Portland, left-wing rioters — all of whom support Joe Biden over President Trump — brought a blood-splattered guillotine to the riot and put it on display while they burned American flags and held “Black Lives Matter” signs, demanding an end to America. Their message couldn’t be any more clear: They seek to burn America to the ground and murder anyone who gets in their way. They are violent left-wing lunatics who respect no law, no freedoms for anyone else, and no rules of civilized society. They nearly all support communism and Joe Biden, and they promise to burn down America’s cities and murder people in the streets if they don’t get what they want. The Portland Police Bureau issued an official statement describing “rocks, bottles and dangerous items” that were thrown at police, alongside blinding lasers wielded by left-wing rioters trying to cause permanent eye damage to law enforcement. Remember these are the people every Democrat in America describes as “mostly peaceful.”

Via the PPB statement:

Many participants in the march carried hardened shields, helmets, armor, gas masks, and wore all black clothing. At least one participant targeted the Portland Police Air Support Unit airplane with a green laser. This is extremely dangerous and could cause disorientation for the pilot, in addition to permanent eye damage. Individuals in the crowd threw rocks, eggs, and glass bottles in the direction of the officers… Someone rolled a mock guillotine with a stuffed bear into the street (photo). The bear and multiple U.S. flags were burned. Paint balloons were launched at officers, as well as green lasers.”

     Where did this antifa revolutionary madness come from?

“However, ANTIFA agents have frequently denied that they are a centralized organization. They claim that because of their decentralized leftist ideology, that they are not really an organization at all, and thus cannot be held accountable for their orgy of destruction. The work by journalist George Eliason, an American reporter currently living in Ukraine, obliterates the false narrative used by the ANTIFA terrorists to justify their heinous acts. Big League Politics reported earlier this week on Eliason’s shocking allegations that the Obama/Biden administration worked to import ANTIFA terrorists as they were being headquartered by a foreign actor: A stunning report is indicating that the Obama administration imported foreign terrorists to the U.S. in preparation for the ANTIFA/Black Lives Matter uprising that is currently laying waste to America’s cities. Ukraine-based independent journalist George Eliason published the bombshell report on Tuesday alleging that the foreign terrorists were brought overseas due to the scheming of former President Barack H. Obama and CIA Director John Brennan. “It is an American problem caused by the former Obama-Biden administration’s continuing coup against the Presidency of Donald Trump,” Elliason writes of the ANTIFA/BLM terror uprising. Eliason noted that ANTIFA terrorists were trained in Syria as part of a Kurdish neo-Marxist fighting force. He believes that since ANTIFA are “part of an insurgency ground force with provable foreign government representation and foreign insurgents from terrorist groups,” Geneva Conventions protections no longer apply to them. He also performed extensive investigative work to determine the origins of ANTIFA and their leadership. Through careful analysis of ANTIFA’s official website, his investigation led back to Ben Utzer, who Eliason describes as “Antifa’s German Pirate Party chubby, never miss a meal, pasty white leader of the boots on the ground Obama-Biden Antifa-BLM insurrection.”

“Utzer is the German directing the traffic for American Antifa seditionists willing to murder and destroying their own cities for a foreign hacker-politico who owns a little security company and loves dogs,” Eliason writes.
Eliason showed social media posts made by the German Pirate Party echoing ANTIFA talking points, opposing President Trump’s plan to restore law and order amidst sustained rioting, and even using the hashtag #WeAreAllAntifaNow. He contends that Utzer’s agitating shows that the terror group is actually headquartered in Europe. “Antifa, BLM, and other groups were brought in to create a funnel catching disenfranchised people from across the spectrum bringing them under one umbrella for the IO coup project. This is how the manpower problem for sedition was tackled,” he writes. He pulled up other social media activity from the Pirate Party to make the case that they are a foreign entity effectively staging a coup d’état against the Trump administration. Elliason’s work is already ruffling many feathers, as Creative Destruction Media has noted. The German Pirate Party Federal Chairman Sebastian Alscher tried to laugh off the report, but Eliason would not let him slide. Utzer also tried to dismiss Eliason’s work, but Eliason pointed out that he is connected directly to Antifa’s official website that helps coordinate global acts of left-wing terrorism.”

     Wasn’t Trump going somewhere with the declaration of antifa as a terrorist organisation? Why hasn’t the man moved on this, and for that matter, moved on anything? Just imagine how fast the Presidency of Karma Harris will mop up Trump, or what remains.



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