Creeping Tyranny in Queensland; The “Respect at Work and Other Matters Amendment Bill 2024” By James Reed

Another day; another tyranny. This one, as noted by George Christensen, who can sure dig this stuff out, like a political blood hound, is deceptive, which is what we have come to expect from the political elites. The Respect at Work and Other Matters Amendment Bill 2024 (RWOMA), sounds at first glance like a good thing, to protect workers from workplace bullying and harassment. But like most legislation in our woke political process, it is a double-edged sword.

The RWOMA Bill has its key terms such as "hateful" left undefined, so in principle anything that someone does not like could be argued to be "hateful." This is pretty much what occurs with race-hate legislation across the world, and this ideology looks like being duplicated here. And the sex-based discrimination clause will most likely be used to attacktraditional Christian religious teachings on sexuality and gender. Thus, Catholic schools will be unable to hire teachers who have, and teach the traditional faith. It is a dynamite Left wing package in one Bill.

As always, the time to mobilise was yesterday, but it is not too late to fight this. People outside of Queensland can help by spreading the word about this Bill and its dangers.

"It's time to wake up and see the tyranny creeping into our lives, one law at a time.

Australia's Queensland State Government, led by Premier Steven Miles and the Labor Party, is pushing through one of the most dangerous pieces of legislation we've ever seen.

The Respect at Work and Other Matters Amendment Bill 2024 (or RWOMAyes, all of the Orwellian things have weird acronyms!) isn't just another law—it's a full-scale assault on the faith and freedom of Queenslanders.

On the surface, the RWOMA Bill is being sold as a measure to protect helpless workers against workplace bullying and harassment.

But don't be fooled—this bill goes far beyond that.

It introduces vague and dangerously broad concepts like "hateful" conduct, without ever defining what "hateful" really means.

The definition will be left up to whoever has the best legal argument in a court room.

This means that anything someone finds offensive could be labeled as "hateful" and made illegal.

And what does the radical LGBTIQ+ alphabet soup crowd find offensive?

Imagine living in a world where simply teaching Christian views on marriage or gender could be considered a crime.

This bill makes that nightmare a very real possibility.

But it doesn't stop there.

The bill also introduces a category called "sex-based discrimination."

This isn't just your typical anti-discrimination clause, as bad as they are!

Instead, it's defined in such a broad manner that, again, that it could easily encompass traditional religious teachings on sexuality and gender.

This isn't about protecting people from harassment; it's about controlling what we can believe, say, and teach.

The Queensland Government is trying to force you, me, and every faith-based institution to bow down to their new moral order.

One of the most alarming aspects of this bill is the introduction of a new "positive duty" on employers to prevent discrimination.

On the surface, this sounds like a noble goal.

But in practice, it's a weapon aimed directly at the heart of religious organisations.

Under this law, Christian schools, churches, and other faith-based institutions could be forced to teach against their own beliefs in order to comply with the government's demands.

And to make matters worse, religious exemptions that have historically protected our freedoms are not being extended to these new sections of the legislation.

In other words, the freedom to speak, teach, and live our faith is on the line.

Let's be clear: this bill is only the beginning.

The Queensland Labor government, under Steven Miles, has delayed the full extent of these reforms until after the October state election, but make no mistake—they're coming for you, and they're coming hard.

(In fact, the original bill was much worse than what's proposed now, but I expect if Labor win the coming Queensland election all of the stuff they junked from the bill will be back).

If these reforms are passed, they will dismantle the very foundations of our legal system, making it nearly impossible for faith-based schools and religious bodies to operate according to their beliefs.

This is nothing short of an all-out war on our way of life.

Consider the real-world implications of this bill.

If it becomes law, Christian schools could lose the ability to hire staff who share their beliefs.

Imagine a Catholic school being forced to hire teachers who openly reject Catholic teachings, or a Christian school being unable to require its staff to uphold Biblical values.

Churches could be silenced, their teachings censored by a government that wants to control every aspect of your life.

Religious organisations could be dragged through lengthy legal battles, investigated, and penalised simply for staying true to their convictions.

This isn't just an attack on workplace fairness—it's a calculated move to crush your freedom under the heel of government control.

But here's the good news: it's not too late to fight back.

We can stop this bill in its tracks, but only if we act now.

The bill is set to be voted on this week, so if we don't push back with everything we've got, freedom of faith for Queenslanders could be gone before we know it.

And you can be sure this push won't end at Queensland's borders.

This is a globalist push so it's inevitably coming to another Australian State, or another Western jurisdiction near you very soon… if it hasn't already!

So here's what you need to do: if you're a Queenslander and you care about your faith and your freedom, contact your Queensland MPs and demand that they vote NO on this dangerous, freedom-destroying bill.

If you're not a Queenslander but know of folks from Queensland that you want to alert then share this public post now." 



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