Crazy Blue Anon Leftist Conspiracies, By James Reed

In the days after the Trump assassination attempt there have been numerous Leftists posting comments that the event was a false flag and staged. Their argument goes along the lines that Trump pretended to be shot, and dropped to the ground, breaking an actor's blood capsule. They then go onto say that a cut on the ear would bleed profusely and flow onto his shirt which did not happen. Then they claim that the Secret Service would never have allowed a former president to fist pump and expose his face for the photo show of the century.

Michael Snyder covers this issue in detail below. However, I think we can make quick work of the Leftist conspiracies. One person was shot dead and two injured and this has never ben contested. It is super-unlikely that these people would have volunteered to be killed or seriously injured. Second, there are pictures of Trump' ear injury where one can see a cut. As for blood loss, the fact is that the cut was not very large at all, more like a scratch, and would not necessarily bleed profusely.

However, the main argument against the staging hypothesis is that is totally improbable that team Trump could have pulled something like this off, assuming that the Secret Service was not involved. The real conspiracy though is darker; namely that this was a Deep State attempt of murder.

"Ever since the moment that Donald Trump was shot during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, the left has been pushing wild conspiracy theories all over the Internet. Unfortunately for the left, their conspiracy theories are so ridiculous that most rational people immediately see right through them. Yes, there are legitimate questions that need to be asked about what really happened at that rally, and I have been writing about many of those questions. But to suggest that the assassination attempt was staged or that Trump was never hit by a bullet is just nuts. As you will see below, the stuff that the left has been coming up with is straight out of crazy town.

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It has been less than a week since Trump was shot, and already "false assassination narratives" have been viewed more than 100 million times on X, and many of those false narratives are being classified as "Blue Anon" conspiracy theories

So-called 'BlueAnon' conspiracy theories — levelled by Left-­wingers — have clearly been thick on the ground this time, compounding the confusion spread by similarly paranoid or just ­trouble-making Trumpites.­

According to research group Institute for Strategic Dialogue, references to false assassination narratives amassed more than 100 million views on X in just 24 hours.

So what are some of the most common "Blue Anon" conspiracy theories that the left has been pushing?

Well, one of the most popular theories is that the shooting was staged, and an Associated Press photo that was digitally altered is being offered as "proof" of that theory. The following comes from CNN

To bolster the "staged" conspiracy theory, an image began to circulate that had been altered to make it look like one of the Secret Service agents who rushed to Trump's aid was smiling during the incident. An influential anti-Trump X user who has almost 250,000 followers on the platform shared the image with the message, "Everyone here seems to be having a good time, laughing and smiling for the cameras."

The image was soon debunked by the fact-checking organization Lead Stories, which said it was a digitally manipulated version of an Associated Press image.

"The officers cannot be seen smiling with their teeth as seen in the original, nor in any other news outlets photos of the event," Lead Stories explained in a blog post.

CNN has often been fooled in the past, but even they were able to see right through this one.

Another theory that is floating around is that a BB gun was used to shoot at Trump…

"Donald Trump continues to play in our faces!! This was SO staged!!! If someone REALLY wanted to take him out, they wouldn't use a BB Gun!!" one person posted on X a little more than an hour after the shooting.


Where does the left come up with this stuff?

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Others are suggesting that Trump was never hit at all.

In fact, some on the left are actually claiming that Trump used "a gel pack containing fake blood" to spread blood on his ear and face…

According to some fanciful social media interpretations of photos of the moment when shots were fired, Trump was holding a yellow object in the hand he used to touch his bloody ear.

They have even claimed it was a gel pack containing fake blood — routinely used in films and TV — that Trump burst the moment he grabbed his ear.

If this was true, where did the damage to Trump's ear come from that we could clearly see in the footage after he was hit?

Of course there are some on the left that believe that Trump's ear was not even damaged.

A photo from a rally that was conducted on September 17th, 2022 is being used to "prove" that Trump's right ear is perfectly fine

CLAIM: A photo taken on Monday shows former President Donald Trump with no damage to his right ear, contrary to reports that it was injured in an attempted assassination on Saturday.

THE FACTS: The photo was taken on Sept. 17, 2022, at a rally in Youngstown, Ohio, for then-U.S. Senate candidate JD Vance. Trump appeared at the Republican National Convention Monday night with a large, white bandage on his right ear. Myriad photos show his ear bloodied after a shooter opened fire at his rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, over the weekend.

It is hard to believe that there are people out there that actually fall for this stuff.

As crazy as this may sound, right now there are people on social media that are discussing the "fact" that the entire incident was orchestrated by Trump, his team and the Secret Service in order to stage the iconic photographs which we have all seen by now…

Almost immediately after Trump was injured during a shooting at a Butler, Pennsylvania, rally Saturday evening, a conspiracy theory emerged that the assassination attempt had been "staged" – that Trump and his campaign had set it up to orchestrate the iconic photos of a resolute Trump surviving an attempt on his life. The term "staged" began trending on X as soon as an hour after the shooting.

The mainstream media is not stupid enough to fall for such nonsense, but there is a push to get news outlets to stop using those photographs because they are helping Trump so much

An editor at a major news outlet wants the press to stop using the iconic photo of the assassination attempt against Donald Trump because it represents 'free PR' for his campaign.

The unnamed editor told Axios that sharing the historic photo of the former president standing after he survived the attempt on his life is 'dangerous despite how good it is.'

After everything that has happened, they are still out to get Trump.

The rest of this campaign season is going to be so intense, and if Trump actually wins there will be even more chaos.

Our country is about to go over the edge, and one of the big reasons for this is because people are so easily fooled.

The crazy conspiracy theories that I just discussed above are completely and utterly absurd, but many on the left really want to believe that they are true.

Conservative content creator James Klug recently interviewed random folks in the street, and he quickly encountered someone that truly thinks that the Trump shooting was staged

James Klug: What is our evidence for suggesting that it was a staged, a fake assassination attempt?

Old Dem: I think that he walked away alive with perhaps a scratch on his ear at most… Of course, behind the scenes, that was fabricated… some noise. They put a little scratch on his ear, threw a little blood on his face.

James Klug: Now, so you think that they planned from 130 yards away to shoot off the corner of his ear?

Old Dem: They never shot off the corner of his ear. That was all done by the people hanging around him. Nobody ever shot off his ear.

Sadly, Klug also interviewed quite a few others that believe some very questionable things

It can be very entertaining to watch interviews like this, but we should also be deeply saddened by what has happened to our country.

What would our founders think if they could see us today?

We live at a time when much of the population seems to have lost their critical thinking skills, and that is extremely unfortunate." 



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