Covid Vaxxes: Lethal Toxic Agents: Academic Paper By Brian Simpson

Australian dissent journalist Rebekah Barnett certainly thinks the Covid issue is still of vital importance. Given that the vast majority of Australians have been vaxxed, some up to four or five times, on-going scientific material about the vax dangers is relevant, as most people could be ticking health time bombs. That would seem to be the conclusion reached in a new paper by Denis Rancourt et al., which examined all-cause mortality (ACM) in 17 countries in the Southern Hemisphere and equatorial region. A causal link was established, the researchers believe, between peaks of all-cause mortality and the vax rollouts. “In 9 of the 17 countries, there is no detectable excess mortality until the vaccines are rolled out… In the other 8 of the 17 countries, a new regime of higher mortality is initiated after 11 March 2020 and prior to any COVID-19 vaccine administration... In all 17 countries, vaccination is associated with a regime of high mortality, and there is no association in time between COVID-19 vaccination and proportionate reduction in ACM.”

In a nutshell, “The COVID-19 vaccines did not save lives and appear to be lethal toxic agents.”

With vaccine culture moving the mRNA way, who knows where this will end?

“The COVID-19 vaccines did not save lives and appear to be lethal toxic agents.”

This is the strident position of a new paper by Denis Rancourt et al., analysing all-cause mortality (ACM) in 17 countries in the Southern Hemisphere and equatorial region.

The authors find a “definite causal link” between peaks in all-cause mortality and rapid vaccine rollouts across four continents and a broad range of vaccine products, inlcuding the mRNAs, Covaxin, Sinovac and Johnson & Johnson.

The paper, which is 180 pages long and is yet to be peer-reviewed,* attempts to quantify the fatal toxicity risk per injection, which appears to be “exceedingly large in the most elderly.”

The authors conclude that, “governments should immediately end the policy of prioritizing elderly people for COVID-19 injection.”

All-cause mortality best metric to measure effect of vaccines at population level

It has been proposed by experts, including Professors Martin Neil and Norman Fenton, that the most accurate way to measure the risks and benefits of Covid vaccines is to compare the ACM of vaccinated against unvaccinated, “since it not only avoids most confounders relating to case definition but also fulfils the WHO/CDC definition of "vaccine effectiveness" for mortality.”

There is a dearth of ACM data stratified by vaccination status, so Rancourt et al. take a variation on the ACM approach - analysing ACM mortality peaks at population-level across multiple countries.

The authors state, “All-cause mortality by time is the most reliable data for detecting and epidemiologically characterizing events causing death, and for gauging the population-level impact of any surge or collapse in deaths from any cause.”

The countries analysed in this paper include Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Malaysia, New Zealand, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Suriname, Thailand, Uruguay, all within the Southern Hemisphere and/or equatorial region.

Vaccine-dose fatality rate (vDFR)

The authors set out to calculate the vaccine-dose fatality rate (vDFR), arriving at a figure of approximately 0.05 % (1 death per 2,000 injections). However, this number is exponential with age. From analysis of age stratified data from Australia and Israel, the authors find that the vDFR doubles at every additional five years of age, reaching approximately 1% for those 80 years old and over.

“The clearest example is that of a relatively sharp ACM peak occurring in January- February 2022 in Australia, which is synchronous with the rapid rollout of Australia’s dose 3 of the COVID-19 vaccine; occurring in 5 of 8 of the Australian states and in all of the more-elderly age groups,” state the authors.

Segue: Australia

One might argue that for the Australian analysis, the sharp peak in ACM ties in with the spread of Covid throughout populations for the first time (particularly in Western Australia, Queensland and South Australia) and that therefore these deaths are Covid deaths, not vaccine deaths. I am not convinced that Rancourt has sufficiently addressed this counter point in his previous papers on Australian ACM.

However, an analysis of Queensland mortality data by Dr Andrew Madry showing the start of the upward trend in ACM at the primary series rollout, and nine months before the spread of Covid in the community, lends weight to the authors’ hypothesis.

There are other Australian data points that provide additional support to the thesis that the vaccines were not working as advertised, and were doing damage to the health of Australians, and possibly driving ACM. These include:

  • The fact that most Queensland Covid deaths were fully vaccinated(and some boosted) when the state borders first opened in December 2021/January 2022;
  • Excess deaths were recorded in Australian states in 2021 when the vaccine rollout was in full swing, but many states had no Covid;
  • Unprecedented high rates of adverse event reportingin relation to Covid vaccines in Western Australia in 2021, when most of the population was vaccinated, but there was no Covid. 57% of those who reported an adverse event presented at hospital, suggesting the severe nature of the events.
  • New South Wales data showing that those with more doses of vaccination died or presented in hospital and ICU with Covid at higher rates than those with 0-2 doses. These data were not age stratified and so cannot be taken to categorically indicate negative vaccine effectiveness, but no one in the Department of Health has been able or willing to demonstrate effectiveness by publishing the full age stratified data. In fact, they have gone to extraordinary lengthsnot to.
  • Bradford Hill Analysis of Australian ACMby analyst Dr Wilson Sy, from which he concluded, “Strength of correlation, consistency, specificity, temporality, and dose-response relationship are foremost Bradford Hill criteria which are satisfied by the data to suggest the iatrogenesis of the Australian pandemic, where excess deaths were largely caused by COVID-19 injections.”

However, I don’t want to get bogged down with Australia, because the larger point is that,

“In 9 of the 17 countries, there is no detectable excess mortality until the vaccines are rolled out… In the other 8 of the 17 countries, a new regime of higher mortality is initiated after 11 March 2020 and prior to any COVID-19 vaccine administration... In all 17 countries, vaccination is associated with a regime of high mortality, and there is no association in time between COVID-19 vaccination and proportionate reduction in ACM.”





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