Covid Vaxxes and Hospitalised Children; the Misery Begins By Mrs Vera West

The details may be somewhat complex, but the message is clear, that the mass Covid vax program for children has dangers that have simply not been considered. Children have a very low risk of death and serious injuries from any variant of Covid. But, equally as important, children have a developing immune system, and the mRNA vaxxes may subvert the innate immune system (this being the first line of defence against disease, such as tears and enzymes in skin and mucus), and this development is necessary before any vaccines are given. It is hypothesised that if this occurs, there may be vulnerabilities to similar types of pathogens, as well as autoimmune disease. Antibody dependent enhancement may occur. Virologists such as Dr Geert Vanden Bossche see a new Covid vax disaster in the wing, affecting the next generation. It would seem something to be mighty concerned about, yet the vax rollout continues.  


“Firstly, the COVID vaccine was not safety tested and must not be given to children, none of it, no healthy child. Children have statistical zero risk of severe illness and death from COVID virus and there is no clinical data to support the use of these vaccines in children. None. The mRNA gene vaccine is ineffective and non-neutralizing and driving variants (infectious and likely lethal ones) with Darwinian natural selection pressure, but it also causes grave harm e.g. myocarditis.

Importantly, we have been arguing that the COVID gene injection in children will subvert the innate immune system of children (the training of innate antibody and natural killer cells for this training and education is critical in the young child and the training must happen before any vaccines are given, if they are given) and leave them defenseless to a range of glycosylated pathogen (that share similar sugars and glycans and patterns on their surfaces especially virus infected cells) and to auto-immune disease (inability to distinguish ‘self’ from ‘non-self’ components in the child and recognize self-mimicking cells, self-like and variations in between).

COVID-19 vaccination of children must stop immediately. Not only will the COVID-19 vaccines fully prevent innate antibodies from neutralizing the virus confronted with now e.g. omicron (binding to the antigen and neutralizing), but they will also irreversibly prevent the innate antibodies (in association with the virus) from educating the cell-based innate immune system (e.g., NK cells that are part of the innate immune system). Instead, the vaccinal antibodies will bind to the spike antigen (vaccine antibodies are highly specific and with greater affinity for the virus’s spike antigen) and facilitate and enhance viral infectiousness and enable the virus to breach the innate immune defense, thereby causing severe COVID-19 disease. We know this as antibody-dependent enhancement of infection (ADEI) and of disease (ADED).

This binding by vaccinal antibodies (Abs) and out-competing of the innate Abs will also prevent the child from educating it’s innate immune system in recognizing several other (glycosylated) pathogens ( measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, rotavirus, RSV etc.) while discriminating those from self-antigens (discriminating self from non-self, self-like, self-mimicking etc). This could lead to severe disease caused by several other (glycosylated) pathogens which the child has not been vaccinated against as well as to severe immune pathology e.g. auto-immune disease In addition, it will also no longer be possible to vaccinate children with other live attenuated childhood vaccines once they have received the COVID-19 shot for these vaccines could now cause severe disease. So, in effect, the COVID-19 vaccine could become a death sentence for a young child!

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche advises that the only way to bypass the malevolent COVID-19 priming is to properly educate the vaccinee’s innate immune effector cells in the absence of replicating virus. It will be critical to treat them as of the early onset of symptoms. Treatment with antivirals shortly after infection could possibly train their innate immune system without boosting their infection-enhancing antibodies.

What are we saying about these COVID injections (mass vaccination) for children?

A rapid mass vaccination campaign that utilizes a sub-optimal antigen-specific non-neutralizing vaccine (such as the COVID vaccines) and with vaccination across all age groups, and into the pandemic (in the midst of an active pandemic of a highly mutable and highly infectious respiratory virus with high infectious pressure) can only generate a continued series of dominating new variants that are increasingly infectious, increasingly vaccine-resistant (due to “immune escape”), and inevitably more virulent (potentially lethal).  In short, the mass vaccination campaign that has been implemented during the COVID pandemic can potentially keep the pandemic going for many years with a potential more virulent sub-variant emerging.

Importantly, children bring statistical zero risk of severe illness or death from this COVID virus and this was the same across near 3 years. The data is stable. In the US, no healthy child, same in Sweden, Germany etc. has died from COVID due to being infected, across near 3 years. Not one! This is the data the media will not tell you. The immune system of children needs to be educated and trained for life-long optimal functionality. The vaccine implementation will damage and subvert the initiation of education and instruction of the innate immune system in children (the first line of immunological defense).  It is critical that you as parents understand this.

Parents must understand that when the COVID injection is given to young children, this (the vaccinal antibodies that are induced due to the vaccine) prevents the child’s innate antibodies from eliminating the virus confronted with now, and prevents the active training and teaching of the innate immune effector cells on how to recognize (glycosylated) viruses and distinguish them from “self” antigens (i.e., distinguish between “self” and “non-self.”). This is a critical window of training for any immune system to learn at an early stage of life (once passive maternal immune protection is no longer available e.g. at about 4 to 6 months post birth) so as to provide for a healthy and appropriate immune response, immediate and life-long. This interference with the initiating foundational education of a child’s developing innate immune system can cause a COVID-vaccinated child to be less capable of handling glycosylated viruses (and glycosylated pathogens in general, as well as a range of pathogen). This predisposes such children to immune pathology (e.g., autoimmune disease). 


‘Children with a specific respiratory illness have been overwhelming hospitals, mainly in the Southern and Northeastern areas of the United States.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported recent data showing Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) cases have spiked over the past month. RSV usually causes children to contract the usual mild-cold symptoms, but the impact could be much worse for those immunocompromised or with a heart defect.’”

“With the CDC’s outlandish decision to add covid-19 “vaccines” — which are really transhumanism mRNA experimental drugs — to the childhood immunization schedule, the CDC has cemented its position as a Child Death Cult (C.D.C.). By pushing this unproven, unsafe and unnecessary jab onto children, the CDC proves it is operating as a shield for Big Pharma while sacrificing millions of children to vaccine injuries and deaths over the coming years.

This decision by the CDC has no medical or scientific justification whatsoever, and it’s abundantly clear the CDC made this move to grant a liability shield to Big Pharma (all vaccines added to the childhood immunization schedule enjoy absolute legal liability in the United States). Even Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA technology, can hardly believe what we’re seeing here. “I am shocked by the malfeasance,” he wrote. “I have no trust left at all in our public health. It is broken.”

Here’s more from Dr. Malone, via

This means that public schools, which all use this schedule, will then be able to mandate the “vaccines” in order for children to attend public school.

This is all being done at the last minute and basically behind the backs of the public, as this received virtually no media attention prior to the vote.

ACIP’s decision to add the COVID-19 shots is based on regulatory capture, budgetary issues, politics, and it is not based on scientific data.

We all know the adverse event profile of the jabs. It is horrific. The small sample size in the clinical trials were poorly designed and inadequately powered.

We all know other countries have completely stopped vaccinating children with these products.

If they add these jabs to the childhood schedule, it will completely break the trust of the American family in the CDC, as it should.

The CDC, it turns out, is nothing more than a child murdering vaccine holocaust factory.”

Mike Adams did not mention that the real reason behind this, as argued by Robert Kennedy junior, is the avoidance of liability issue, once the vaxxes are planed on the childhood immunisation schedule.




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