Covid Mania is Anti-Science By Brian Simpson

Professor Jay Bhattacharya, of Stanford University and co-author of the Great Barrington Declaration, has compiled a list of 41 examples of anti-science in the Covid plandemic. To test myself, I read the list, then tried to think of anything he missed. He seems to have missed the depopulation genocide themes, which, in exterminating the bulk of the human race, and collapsing civilisation, is anti-science, and anti-life as well. But, still a good list to share among friends.

“Almost three years ago science entered a new dark age.

Jay Bhattacharya, a professor of medicine at Stanford University and co-author of the Great Barrington Declaration, seems to agree. He has been compiling a list of the examples of anti-science we have unfortunately become used to.

I have listed his thoughts so far but the list is continually expanding. The list is probably infinitely long so feel free to add your own examples of anti-science in the comments below.

  1. Insinuating that the lab leak hypothesis is a racist conspiracy theory is anti-science;
  2. Closing international borders to keep a virus out when the virus is already established in-country is anti-science;
  3. Panicked killing of Danish mink was anti-science. Public health apologizing for the mistake is pro-science;
  4. Redefining herd immunity to exclude immunity conferred by disease recovery is anti-science;
  5. Sending covid infected patients back to nursing homes to keep hospital beds empty was anti-science;
  6. Lockdowns and other trickle down epidemiology are anti-science;
  7. Science bureaucrats using their power to smear scientists who disagree with them is anti-science;
  8. Instituting lockdowns & restrictions on the basis of overly-simplistic covid models is anti-science;
  9. Pretending there is a scientific consensus on lockdown and so much else when there is not a scientific consensus (Especially while censoring sceptical voices) is anti-science;
  10. Arbitrarily dividing society into essential and non-essential is anti-science;
  11. Ignoring the obvious and devastating economic costs of policy is anti-science;
  12. Censorship of scientific debate is anti-science. Literally.
  13. Zoom school is anti-science;
  14. Politically partisan public health is anti-science;
  15. Not permitting healthy people to leave home for more than an hour, even for exercise, is anti-science;
  16. Jumping off the sidewalk to avoid the breath of an unmasked person walking by is anti-science;
  17. Shutting down kids’ sports is anti-science;
  18. Public health shaming people for not following public health diktats is anti-science;
  19. Forcing school kids to eat six feet apart from each other, outdoors and in silence was anti-science;
  20. Redefining health to be synonymous with the avoidance of a single infectious disease is anti-science;
  21. Six-foot social distancing is anti-science;
  22. Not letting family members visit dying relatives is anti-science;
  23. Contact tracing to contain a highly infectious and aerosolized respiratory virus is anti-science;
  24. Zero covid is anti-science;
  25. Mask mandates are anti-science;
  26. White washing the harm done to children by school closures by glibly asserting that ‘kids are resilient’ is anti-science;
  27. Institutionalized hypochondria is anti-science;
  28. Masking toddlers is anti-science;
  29. Requiring waiters to mask to serve unmasked patrons is anti-science;
  30. Noble lies are bad public health practice and anti-science;
  31. Pharmaceutical company funding of on-air news media and professional medical organizations is anti-science;
  32. Policing private doctor patient communication for non-CDC approved content is anti-science;
  33. Science & medicine are the common inheritance of all, regardless of party. Medical and scientific professional societies officially endorsing political candidates and thereby alienating half the population is anti-science;
  34. Not rapidly running randomized trials to evaluate off-patent early treatment options and denigrating doctors and patients who tried them (“horse paste”) when better options were not available is anti-science;
  35. Ignoring age-stratification in risk in determining pandemic policy and vaccine recommendations is anti-science;
  36. Vaccine discrimination is socially divisive and is anti-science;
  37. Public health experts have an obligation to speak respectfully with everyone, including people who oppose their recommendations (such as on vaccines). Guilt-by-association attacks on experts who fulfil this obligation are anti-science;
  38. Asserting that a vaccine stops transmission when it does not stop transmission is anti-science;
  39. Ignoring immunity after covid recovery is anti-science;
  40. Vaccine mandates have demolished public trust and are anti-science;
  41. Pausing childhood vaccination programs and tuberculosis treatment in poor countries because of fear of covid led to many unnecessary deaths and is anti-science;
  42. Ignoring legitimate vaccine injury is anti-science;
  43. Declaring oneself to be The Science itself is anti-science.”


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