Covid Big Brother in South Australia By The Cranky Crow Eater

This is what the South Australian government has put in on 1 December 2020, which will involve tracing wherever Crow Eaters go, doctors’ surgeries, chemists, even gyms. They say that the information is for Covid tracing only, but why should I believe that? Prove it, prove that the information is secure! Sounds like the surveillance state to me, or the modern version of the mark of the Beast!

Here is the material from the SA gov website:

“The South Australian Government is introducing COVID SAfe Check-In, to enhance contact tracing and keep our community COVID safe.

If someone in South Australia tests positive to COVID-19, the COVID SAfe Check-In enables SA Health to quickly contact others who may have been exposed to the virus and stop the spread of COVID-19.

For the community

COVID SAfe Check-In is a new feature that has been added to the free mySA GOV app.

You can download the mySA GOV app using your smart phone. In the mySA GOV app, select the COVID SAfe Check-In tile when you arrive at a venue or business, and follow the prompts to scan their unique QR code and check in.

You are not required to login or sign up for a mySA GOV account to use the COVID SAfe Check-In. You also do not need to provide a driver’s licence or vehicle registration details to use it.

Download the app from Google Play or the App Store from the afternoon of Tuesday 1 December. Apple users will be able to sign in manually until the Apple version is updated and available on Tuesday afternoon. If you already have the mySA GOV app, make sure you have the latest version, which may require you to download the app update.

If you do not have a compatible smart phone, a paper record will be available for you to provide your details.

When you first enter the COVID SAfe Check-In tile, you will be asked to fill in your details and mobile number. You will then get a text message with a unique code to enter in to the app. This is to verify your phone number. You will only have to do this once.

For businesses

A COVID SAfe Check-In feature has been added to the free mySA GOV app.

Businesses with a COVID Safe Plan will receive a new COVID Safe Plan via email that includes a poster with a unique QR code. This should be printed and displayed in a prominent location within the business.

When people arrive at a venue or business, they can check in by scanning the QR code using their smart phone through the mySA Gov app.

If people don’t have the app they can use their smart phone camera and a secure web form will open to check in. A paper recording log template is available as a back-up for people who don’t have a smart phone

People will receive a text confirmation when they check in.

All defined public activities must have a completed COVID Safe Plan and have an approved contact tracing system enabled.

All people entering the place upload their relevant contact details to the approved contact tracing system. This upload is automatic when you use the mySA Gov QR code and app.

A defined public activity is any of the following:

  • onsite purchase and consumption of food or beverages (whether occurring in an indoor or outdoor area)
  • sport (including sports training), fitness or recreation activities
  • indoor public meetings
  • ceremonies
  • private functions
  • weddings (including wedding ceremonies and receptions)
  • funeral services (excluding wakes)
  • provision of personal care services
  • provision of public entertainment
  • provision of recreational transport
  • the operation of a nightclub
  • the operation of relevant licensed premises
  • the operation of a casino or gaming area (within the meaning of the Gaming Machines Act 1992)
  • auctions and inspections of premises for the purpose of sale or rental of any property
  • driver instruction
  • the provision of health care, residential care, disability support or aged care services.

Talk about instant tyranny, and this is done at the time that borders are opening, and apparently there are no Covid cases in SA, today:  

So, if this was so crucial, why did it take this long to get it up, right at the end of the “pandemic”?

It is not too hard to see what is behind this, as freedom of movement has just been replaced by a Chinese style “social credit” system. Covid has enabled the state to morph from democratic on paper, to totalitarian. Mark my words, this restriction will never be removed, in my opinion. The ruling elites never let go of any power.



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